Other than fitting a couple of these drive bays into a small server, I've no experience of them.
Purely out of interest, in simple terms how does the technology work? I assume there must be some sort of buffer to eliminate the problems that one associates with connecting and disconnecting a hard disk drive from a running system, both for data lines and power rails. Apart from physically keeping the drive in place, I suspect the lock mechanism actuates a switch or switching ciruit. What is it switching? Power and/or data lines?
Purely out of interest, in simple terms how does the technology work? I assume there must be some sort of buffer to eliminate the problems that one associates with connecting and disconnecting a hard disk drive from a running system, both for data lines and power rails. Apart from physically keeping the drive in place, I suspect the lock mechanism actuates a switch or switching ciruit. What is it switching? Power and/or data lines?