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Host servers not starting... what am I missing?

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Mar 7, 2002
Last year we added a second partition to our as400. We are on V5R1. The guy who installed it restored the systems files/libraries from our primary partition.

I've been trying to get Client Access running on it. The problem is that the host servers aren't starting. I've tried running strhostsvr *all. Unloaded and reloaded host servers and client access to no avail.

Below is a spool file for one of the errors generated buy I have no idea of where to begin. Can anyone help?

5722SS1 V5R1M0 010525 Job Log MARS 02/06/04 09:51:24 Page 1
Job name . . . . . .: QZSCSRVSD User . . . . . . : QUSER Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 023049
Job description . .: QZBSJOBD Library . . . . . : QSYS
CPF1124 Information 00 02/06/04 09:51:22 QWTPIIPP QSYS 067E *EXT *N
Message . . . . : Job 023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD started on 02/06/04 at 09:51:23
in subsystem QSYSWRK in QSYS. Job entered system on 02/06/04 at 09:51:23.
CPI1125 Information 00 02/06/04 09:51:22 QWTPIIPP QSYS 02DC *EXT *N
Message . . . . : Job 023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD submitted.
Cause . . . . . : Job 023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD submitted to job queue
QSYSNOMAX in QSYS from job 023039/QSECOFR/QPADEV000F. Job
023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD was started using the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command
with the following job attributes: JOBPTY(5) OUTPTY(5) PRTTXT()
CPE3465 Diagnostic 10 02/06/04 09:51:23 QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
From procedure . . . . . . : SndErrnoMsg__FPc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3031
To module . . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : SndErrnoMsg__FPc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3031
Message . . . . : No such file or directory.
Cause . . . . . : A component of a specified pathname did not exist, or the
pathname was an empty string.
CPIAD08 Diagnostic 40 02/06/04 09:51:23 QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
From procedure . . . . . . : SndCPIAD08__FiN21
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 2991
To module . . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : SndCPIAD08__FiN21
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 2991
Message . . . . : Host server communications error occurred on mkdir()-host
server domain path.
Cause . . . . . : Error code 3025 was received while processing the
mkdir()-host server domain path function for the host server communications.
Recovery . . . : See any previously listed message(s) to determine the
cause of the error; if necessary, correct the error and issue the request
CPF1164 Completion 00 02/06/04 09:51:23 QWTMCEOJ QSYS 00BC *EXT *N
Message . . . . : Job 023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD ended on 02/06/04 at 09:51:23;
1 seconds used; end code 0 .
Cause . . . . . : Job 023049/QUSER/QZSCSRVSD completed on 02/06/04 at
09:51:23 after it used 1 seconds processing unit time. The job had ending
code 0. The job ended after 1 routing steps with a secondary ending code of
0. The job ending codes and their meanings are as follows: 0 - The job
completed normally. 10 - The job completed normally during controlled ending
or controlled subsystem ending. 20 - The job exceeded end severity (ENDSEV
job attribute). 30 - The job ended abnormally. 40 - The job ended before
becoming active. 50 - The job ended while the job was active. 60 - The
subsystem ended abnormally while the job was active. 70 - The system ended
abnormally while the job was active. 80 - The job ended (ENDJOBABN command).
90 - The job was forced to end after the time limit ended (ENDJOBABN
command). Recovery . . . : For more information, see the Work Management
topic in the Information Center book, *NONE Request 02/06/04 09:51:22 QWTSCSBJ *N *EXT *N
Message . . . . : -
when you say the host servers are not starting,,,, why do you think that,,,, can no one log on, or what??

When I use the netstat command then take option 3 Work with TCP/IPconnection status I get the following:

Work with TCP/IP Connection Status
System: MARS
Type options, press Enter.
3=Enable debug 4=End 5=Display details 6=Disable debug
8=Display jobs

Remote Remote Local
Opt Address Port Port Idle Time State
* * ftp-con > 054:41:27 Listen
* * telnet 000:07:50 Listen
* * netbios > 054:39:11 Listen
* * netbios > 000:00:12 *UDP
* * netbios > 000:00:11 *UDP
* * netbios > 054:39:05 Listen
* * snmp 054:39:09 *UDP
* * 445 054:39:04 Listen
* * lpd 054:41:05 Listen
* * as-vcons 054:41:52 Listen
* * 5005 054:39:10 *UDP 5155 telnet 000:00:00 Established
F5=Refresh F11=Display byte counts F13=Sort by column
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field F24=More keys

None of the host servers I need for Client Access are running. Like as-central, as-database as-file etc.

I've reinstalled the client access licensed program and the host servers
Oh and to answer your question No I cannot log on. The original post has the log with the error for one of the servers when I try to run STRHOSTSVR
How did he dupe the primary? Did he do a system save and then a restore? It looks like for some reason it can't find a file

CPE3465 Diagnostic 10 02/06/04 09:51:23 QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
From procedure . . . . . . : SndErrnoMsg__FPc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3031
To module . . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : SndErrnoMsg__FPc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3031
Message . . . . : No such file or directory.
Cause . . . . . : A component of a specified pathname did not exist, or the
pathname was an empty string.
CPIAD08 Diagnostic 40 02/06/04 09:51:23 QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT QZBSCOMM QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
From procedure . . . . . . : SndCPIAD08__FiN21
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 2991
To module . . . . . . . . . : QZBSCOMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : SndCPIAD08__FiN21
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 2991
Message . . . . : Host server communications error occurred on mkdir()-host
server domain path.
Cause . . . . . : Error code 3025 was received while processing the
mkdir()-host server domain path function for the host server communications.
Recovery . . . : See any previously listed message(s) to determine the
cause of the error; if necessary, correct the error and issue the request

iSeries Programmer/Lawson Software Administrator
See my progress to converting to linux.
Yes we did a system backup and he restored from tape. I did find a forum entery on another board where a guy had the same problem when they restored from tape. They were doing a disk upgrade and reloaded from tape. But their message threads stopped at one person suggesting looking for a ptf.

When I start a host server it puts the previously listed error message in QUSERs outq. It clearly says it can't find a directory or file and cant make the directory... but it doesnt say where.

I've tried uninstalling HOST SERVERS, and the CLIENT ACCESS modules but that doesnt fix it. I guess I could try the TCP/IP module next.

I'm fairly new to all this and since I can telnet to the partition in question it hasnt been a priority but I'd still like to get it figured out so I can manage it with Operations Navigator.
I'll ask a stupid question. Do you subscribe to IBM software support?? If you do,,,then place the call. I have never worked on a machine that had partitions. Also,,, check the IBM Redbooks,, see if you can find out how you switch between the logical machines.
No. We don't have software support. The second partition acts just like another machine. I an ipl it and it doesnt affect the primary. Since its like another machine you just set client access up to attach to that host. Only the server daemon wont come up. I'll have to look for a ptf.
ok,,,,, you are running tcp/ip over the network for connection, I assume. I cannot remember,,, but does the IP address,, point to only one partition, and not the other??
I upgraded 10 of our disk drives to higher capacity drives, and it required a Save Option 21 prior to the hardware swap, followed by a full system disk reformat and a Restore Option 21 restore.
Now, my users can't start a 5250 session using Client Access. We can ping the box, and can also use STRPASTHR to get to this 400 from another 400 that we have on the network. Telnet works also.
We are getting the same results from STRHOSTSVR *ALL that you are getting. The 'as-' services are not starting.
I am VERY interested in how you resolved the problem at your company.
Please let me know anything that you discovered.
I never did. We use the second partition for testing and since it's not a critical system so we just telnet to it. Somewhere along the line I had found something that described the problem but have since lost it. But it said that if you restored from tape was when the problem results. I don't have enough experience to reinstall it from the system cd's. I asked my boss that the next time we upgrade that they reinstall it from cd instead of restore it from tape. Highly doubt she'll listen.
PMSLIC, we found the solution!

Here's how you determine if our solution works for you:
Execute the following command: CHKPRDOPT 5769SS1
This command will take a few minutes to complete. After it does, execute GO LICPGM, and take option 10. Scroll down the list, and if your problem is identical to ours, you will see ERROR next to Extended Base Directory Support. The ERROR indicates that the licensed program was not successfully restored. To resolve the problem, do the following: (You will need to put the system into a restricted state).

First, verify that system value QIPLTYPE is set to '0'.
Sign on as QSECOFR - this is mandatory
From the console, enter ENDSBS *ALL *IMMED
Load the Operating System CD number 02.
From the GO LICPGM menu, take Option 11 - Install licensed programs.
You should see your offending license program with a '1' already inserted into it. Hit Enter.
Press Enter to confirm your choice.
Enter your optical drive (i.e. OPT01), a '1' to Programs and language objects, and a 'Y' for Automatic IPL.
This will install the license program, and IPL your system.

This will resolve your problem immediately. You will need to apply a PTF cume to get current. I will get back with you on the exact cume number.....I left it in the office.

Good luck, and let me know if this fixes your problem. I feel sure it will! And yes, I expect to be put on your Christmas card list!

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