I'd looked at this before and found that creating the listbox from the forms toolbar doesn't give a hscroll. Creating from the Control Toolbox will but it was still cutting off my string.
Based on your last post I've just tried again but set the column width to something daft (500!) This gave the desired effect of inserting a horizontal scrollbar!
ColumnWidths doesn't appear to have a default value, even after adding items! Features galore!
;-) If a man says something and there are no women there to hear him, is he still wrong?
Control Toolbox is the Toolbar with all the controls on it such as List Boxes & Command Buttons etc. The same controls are available from the Forms toolbar but there are some subtle differences between the two. Control Toolbox is the newer and more controlable/flexible of the two sets of controls. It's the same as Toolbox in VB.
What I was saying above is that it sounds as if you used the forms toolbar to create your control (don't know how if your control is on a form!) If you use the listbox from the toolbox you can set the column width which should solve your problem. Achedemic now if you've built your own control!
This is what weekends are for!!
;-) If a man says something and there are no women there to hear him, is he still wrong?
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