I was browsing site bootdisk.com, when here my home page was changed to a porn site. I reset it myself, but after closing and opening IE again, it was there. Went into reg, navagited to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
and changed the Start Page key, but again it was changed back after close and open. I have deleted all my .tmp internet files, cookies, index.dat etc, but no joy. I think there is a key I can add in to lock the page, something like Control Panel and then lockhomepage, giving it a value of 1, and setting my page back (about:blank) but I dont think that is the right key...or is it??!!!??? Has the site added in a restrictions key, or put something in the win.ini file that could effect it??
Anyway, I'm still greeted with porn when I open IE, which obviously I don't want!! Especially if my lil' bro logs on!
Thanks! Jay~
My new Tae Kwon Do website is up and running!!
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
and changed the Start Page key, but again it was changed back after close and open. I have deleted all my .tmp internet files, cookies, index.dat etc, but no joy. I think there is a key I can add in to lock the page, something like Control Panel and then lockhomepage, giving it a value of 1, and setting my page back (about:blank) but I dont think that is the right key...or is it??!!!??? Has the site added in a restrictions key, or put something in the win.ini file that could effect it??
Anyway, I'm still greeted with porn when I open IE, which obviously I don't want!! Especially if my lil' bro logs on!
Thanks! Jay~
My new Tae Kwon Do website is up and running!!