I'm thinking of building a server that I can run from my broadband connection at home. I'm trying to beef it up as much as possible, but I think that with the BW that my broadband connection gives me, there's no point going overboard on the box.
Basically I'm wondering what would be my best configuration, I don't really care too much about graphics cards. I guess I'd be looking at CPU and RAM. This would be a working server , maybe at some stage I could beef the band up to a T1 or something.
So my questions then are
Is it worth getting a dual-core Mobo/CPU ? ... I heard that they are only useful for multi-threaded apps. I'd imagine that apache would be the very definition of a multi-threaded app. Is this correct ?
Should I fork out for a 64-bit CPU ? ... don't you need a 64 bit operating system to get any use out of these systems. I'll hopefully be running a linux distro as the OS.
Should I go for a 1MB RAM stick ? ... does it make a difference which one ?
I'm thinking of building a server that I can run from my broadband connection at home. I'm trying to beef it up as much as possible, but I think that with the BW that my broadband connection gives me, there's no point going overboard on the box.
Basically I'm wondering what would be my best configuration, I don't really care too much about graphics cards. I guess I'd be looking at CPU and RAM. This would be a working server , maybe at some stage I could beef the band up to a T1 or something.
So my questions then are
Is it worth getting a dual-core Mobo/CPU ? ... I heard that they are only useful for multi-threaded apps. I'd imagine that apache would be the very definition of a multi-threaded app. Is this correct ?
Should I fork out for a 64-bit CPU ? ... don't you need a 64 bit operating system to get any use out of these systems. I'll hopefully be running a linux distro as the OS.
Should I go for a 1MB RAM stick ? ... does it make a difference which one ?