I am a home-office based business consultant who routinely connects to my client's VPNs for email access and for accessing shared directories, using two different laptops (Laptop A and Laptop B). Further, I have a third laptop (Laptop C) that I use for web surfing while working for both clients.
Laptop A is not a part of my "MSHOME" workgroup, but it can see Laptops B and C via my Network Conections over an open wireless connection/Linksys router. Laptops B & C are part of my MSHOME network, but they cannot see Laptop A.
1) If I connect to Company A's VPN on Laptop A while Laptop B is connected to Company B's VPN, can a Sys Ad at Company A monitor my email/Skype chat/Web activities that I am engaging in for Company B? My concern is that the two comapnies are competitors...
2) Can either Company A or B monitor my personal email/Skype chat/Web traffic from Laptop C? This is the laptop that I use to prospect for additional clients, most of whom would be direct competitors to Comapny A and B.
3) Might anyone have any advice for protecting my privacy as a home-office based consultant who obviously needs to lok for new customers but who does not want to violate any non-competes that I have with my clients?
Laptop A is not a part of my "MSHOME" workgroup, but it can see Laptops B and C via my Network Conections over an open wireless connection/Linksys router. Laptops B & C are part of my MSHOME network, but they cannot see Laptop A.
1) If I connect to Company A's VPN on Laptop A while Laptop B is connected to Company B's VPN, can a Sys Ad at Company A monitor my email/Skype chat/Web activities that I am engaging in for Company B? My concern is that the two comapnies are competitors...
2) Can either Company A or B monitor my personal email/Skype chat/Web traffic from Laptop C? This is the laptop that I use to prospect for additional clients, most of whom would be direct competitors to Comapny A and B.
3) Might anyone have any advice for protecting my privacy as a home-office based consultant who obviously needs to lok for new customers but who does not want to violate any non-competes that I have with my clients?