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Home Made Modules Volontary Abort Compilation ? 1

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Apr 14, 2002
hi just a question regarding home made modules :
lets my module is :

package somemodule;
sub somesub { print $_[0]; }

so the script :

#!perl -W
use somemodule;

will print hello

ok how can i make my module abort compilation if
in somesub $_[0] is not defined ?

i DONT mean something like :

sub somesub {
 print "ERROR" unless ($_[0]);
 print $_[0];

more like :

sub somesub {
 # check if something was passed to 'somesub'
 # if not abort compilation of script !
 # printing some custom message like
 # somemodule::somesub need a passed parameter
 print $_[0];

so in this 2nd script :

use somemodule;
somemodule::somesub; # on no i made a error !

i want to get this error message :
"somemodule::somesub need a passed parameter at name.pl line 2"

instead of :
"use of unisialized value at somemodule.pm line 2"

i hope im clear enough if not TELL me !
ANY help/tips/sugjestion will be VERY apreciated
thanks alot


someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
What's wrong with doing
print "Error" unless $_[0]

This is similar to that but it does what you are asking, I think. If not, be more specific.
sub somesub {

        my $var = shift or die "somemodule::somesub need a passed parameter at name.pl line 2\n";
        print "$var\n";

humm that not it ... but almost thanks justice
(how can the die capture the name of the .pl script ?)
(i tried $0 gives the modules name ...)
(how can i be sure witch line ?)

ok ill explain again

lets say i have a simple module like :

package somemodule;
# ...
sub somesub { print $_[0] . " " . $_[1]; }

the thing is i work on a project
and my collegues uses the modules i create
they keep complaning that when they make errors like :

#!perl -W
use somemodule;
somemodule::somesub('bla'); # oups no $_[1] !

they get :
"error at somemodule.pm line x ";

they (and i) want to get this message instead :
"error at nameofscript.pl line 2"
+ my custom message ...

also i need to cancel compiling
here the erronous script will print:
bla use of unisi ....
i need :
error ar nameofscript.pl ...
compilation aborted due to errors

thanks alot!

someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
by canceling compiling i mean :
like in the erronous example not passing $_[1]
is not fatal* but i want it to be ! how to ?

*not fatal :
like here, a "use of un.." msg will be print and script
continues ...

someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
Using function prototyping will give you a compile time error if the number of arguments passed is incorrrect. For example if exactly two argument must be passed to the function then change your subroutine to
sub somesub ($$) {

        my ($var1, $var2) = @_;
        # Do stuff here
        # print "$var1 : $var2\n";
The ($$) means that the function expects two scalers. The error produced is more informative: it gives the file and line number of the calling function, exactly what you want.

THAnkS aLoT Dude ! [2thumbsup] ---------------------------------------

someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
can i ask another question ?

how can i make a sub a .pm
ONLY accedable from another specific sub within the same .pm

kidda a private class see below what i mean

package somemodule;
sub private ($) { $_[0]++; return $_[0]; }
sub public ($) { return private($_[0]); }

#!perl -W
use somemodule;
print somemodule::public(1); # print 2
print somemodule::private(1); # NOT LEGAL !!! (i wish)

i know there no point with somemodule.pm but im sure u can
see a utility to this

how can i do this ?
thanks alot! ---------------------------------------

someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
You can accomplish this by using a subroutine reference. If the variable that holds the sub ref is declared as a my() variable, then it is not accessable from outside the file scope.
package somemodule;

my $subref;
sub somesub ($) {

        my ($var1) = @_;
        print "$var1\n";

# the following subroutine cannot be called as &$somemodule::subref('hello')
# from a script that use()es this module.
$subref = sub {
        my $var = shift;
        print "Private sub: $var\n";

The downside is that you cannot do prototyping with anonymous subref's.

very nice i mean ..VERY VERY NICE !

i dont understand the downside
what do u mean by "prototyping with anonymous" ?

someone knowledge ends where
someone else knowledge starts
can't you say, in a module,

my sub somesub($$){
# do something nice


I've not done this, but I'm given to understand that it will limit the scope of the sub

"Experience is the comb that Nature gives us, after we are bald."

Is that a haiku?
I never could get the hang
of writing those things.
I think they're planning to add that feature in perl6, but I just did a quick perl -e and it didn't work.
Yup, quite right. Compilation fails and it says:

"my sub" not yet implemented....

ho hum...

"Experience is the comb that Nature gives us, after we are bald."

Is that a haiku?
I never could get the hang
of writing those things.
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