Does anaybody now how to write values and string into the Cells of a hyperlinksection?? With the following code a row is being ad to the hyperlinksection, but I can't write l vaule in the cells of it.
With ActiveDocument.Pages(intSelPage).Shapes _
intSelHypers = .Hyperlinks.Count
.AddRow visSectionHyperlink, visRowHyperlink _
+ intSelHypers + 1, 0
.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, visRowHyperlink _
+ intSelHypers + 1, visHLinkSubAddress) _
.Formula = """page-1"""
End With
Does anaybody now how to write values and string into the Cells of a hyperlinksection?? With the following code a row is being ad to the hyperlinksection, but I can't write l vaule in the cells of it.
With ActiveDocument.Pages(intSelPage).Shapes _
intSelHypers = .Hyperlinks.Count
.AddRow visSectionHyperlink, visRowHyperlink _
+ intSelHypers + 1, 0
.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, visRowHyperlink _
+ intSelHypers + 1, visHLinkSubAddress) _
.Formula = """page-1"""
End With