Hi all,
please help. i have hipath4000 with the features of login/logout using hfa IP phone on sdat atrribut active is mhfahome/mhfavisitors.
this scenario is no permanent workstation login/logout features is needed.
1. local 1000 is configured in STMI card with deploy phone and the status is active (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)=1 lic per user
2. local 1001 is configured in STMI card with deploy phone and the status is active (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)= 1 lic per use
3. local 1003 have no hard phone deploy and configured in stmi (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)= 1 lic per use just like
1.when local 1001 to login to the hardphone of local 1000 login is working automatic the active local now is 1001 but the original harphone of 1001 display is mobile force logoff.
2 when local 1003 to login to harphone of is not possible because the hardphone dispaly is mobility force logoff when i press . it will automatically back to the original station on item 1 and 2
actually we do some experiment to resolved but this is not approriate because we need to double the lic per station and ports of stmi configured base on the station
for example i have 150 IP active users and 150 dummy no. and configured deploy phone a total of 300 lic
because this way any active users can easy login to the dummy no. without displaying on the phone mobility force logoff.
is there any way to resolved because it takes more license and ip ports?
before all phone is digital the feautre signin/signoff we are using
24ports is digital comfigured as dummy number to make the harphone is alive and for the users without worstation create in scsu as a floating number this is working no need to lic is not required.i think this is just like autorelocate
when we migrate into IP it consumed alot of license.floating number is not possible to HFA.
please help. i have hipath4000 with the features of login/logout using hfa IP phone on sdat atrribut active is mhfahome/mhfavisitors.
this scenario is no permanent workstation login/logout features is needed.
1. local 1000 is configured in STMI card with deploy phone and the status is active (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)=1 lic per user
2. local 1001 is configured in STMI card with deploy phone and the status is active (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)= 1 lic per use
3. local 1003 have no hard phone deploy and configured in stmi (sdat active is mhfahome/mfa visitors)= 1 lic per use just like
1.when local 1001 to login to the hardphone of local 1000 login is working automatic the active local now is 1001 but the original harphone of 1001 display is mobile force logoff.
2 when local 1003 to login to harphone of is not possible because the hardphone dispaly is mobility force logoff when i press . it will automatically back to the original station on item 1 and 2
actually we do some experiment to resolved but this is not approriate because we need to double the lic per station and ports of stmi configured base on the station
for example i have 150 IP active users and 150 dummy no. and configured deploy phone a total of 300 lic
because this way any active users can easy login to the dummy no. without displaying on the phone mobility force logoff.
is there any way to resolved because it takes more license and ip ports?
before all phone is digital the feautre signin/signoff we are using
24ports is digital comfigured as dummy number to make the harphone is alive and for the users without worstation create in scsu as a floating number this is working no need to lic is not required.i think this is just like autorelocate
when we migrate into IP it consumed alot of license.floating number is not possible to HFA.