I have been working with a site where they installed a Hipath4000. Out of the buffer box (Omnitronix DL-150) I am getting data like what I have pasted below. At one point I was getting maintenance data but the tech said he fixed that. Yesterday I saw line busy message. We are getting blank lines and ###### in between records. The switch tech told me it was the buffer box logging on and off to the switch. Omnitronix says that is incorrect but is unable to tell me how to stop this. If they hook a laptop up we see data without blank lines. With word wrap it even looks worse. LOL The call records we do get are fine. It is the blanks and the ### that have to go.
VS 08/22/06 16:11 00:04:06 ISNBA 6305 14137837114 9 1584 1599 3471102065YE
VO 08/22/06 16:15 00:01:19 ISNBA 7877 8665894142 9 1582 1478
VS 08/22/06 16:11 00:04:06 ISNBA 6305 14137837114 9 1584 1599 3471102065YE
VO 08/22/06 16:15 00:01:19 ISNBA 7877 8665894142 9 1582 1478