Please can you help me with db design? I have to build a table or tables that will accurately reflect a hierarchy. The hierarchy design is essentially the tree or file view we see on our computers file explorer. I plan on using a Tree List component from VB6 in a Client App to display these hierarchical relationships.
I am going to relate this first to what we see in Explorer. The business rules would be as follows:
1. There is a Root (top-level)- There may be many Root Levels.
2. There are Parent Enitities beneath the Root level. The Parent Entity relates back to the Root level. There can be many Parent Entities.
3. There are Child Entities that relate back to the Parent Entity. There can be many Child Enitites. Child Entities can have Child Entities (which would make them a Parent to that particular Child Entity.) There can be an unlimited number of these Child-to-Child Entities as well.
4. There are Files beneath the Parent and Child entities. There many be an unlimited number of Files associated with those levels.
To related this to my specific task:
1. ClientID's - There can be many/an unlimited number (relates back to 1. Root above).
2. ClientID's have Busness Entities ID's (for example Departments, like the Acct. Dept.). There can be many/an unlimited number of BusinessEntityIDs. (Relates back to 2. Parent Entities above).
3. BusinessEntityIDs have have ChildEntityIDs (ie: using the Acct. Dept., again, the accounting dept can have Accts Payable and Accts Recievable). There can be many/an unlimited number of ChildEntityIDs. (Relates back to 3. ChildEntities above). Also, these "sub deparments" --entities can have child entities beneath them. So, a ChildEntityID can be a Parent to other ChildEntityIDs. Again, an unlimited number of these relationships can exist.
4. BusinessRoleFunction (ID?) --There are job descriptions at this level. Again, an unlimited number may exist.
My initial table would look something like this (i think!):
Okay...now I'm lost. How do I effectively design this? I suppose it could also be viewed as an Organization Chart.
Thank you very much for your help!
Please can you help me with db design? I have to build a table or tables that will accurately reflect a hierarchy. The hierarchy design is essentially the tree or file view we see on our computers file explorer. I plan on using a Tree List component from VB6 in a Client App to display these hierarchical relationships.
I am going to relate this first to what we see in Explorer. The business rules would be as follows:
1. There is a Root (top-level)- There may be many Root Levels.
2. There are Parent Enitities beneath the Root level. The Parent Entity relates back to the Root level. There can be many Parent Entities.
3. There are Child Entities that relate back to the Parent Entity. There can be many Child Enitites. Child Entities can have Child Entities (which would make them a Parent to that particular Child Entity.) There can be an unlimited number of these Child-to-Child Entities as well.
4. There are Files beneath the Parent and Child entities. There many be an unlimited number of Files associated with those levels.
To related this to my specific task:
1. ClientID's - There can be many/an unlimited number (relates back to 1. Root above).
2. ClientID's have Busness Entities ID's (for example Departments, like the Acct. Dept.). There can be many/an unlimited number of BusinessEntityIDs. (Relates back to 2. Parent Entities above).
3. BusinessEntityIDs have have ChildEntityIDs (ie: using the Acct. Dept., again, the accounting dept can have Accts Payable and Accts Recievable). There can be many/an unlimited number of ChildEntityIDs. (Relates back to 3. ChildEntities above). Also, these "sub deparments" --entities can have child entities beneath them. So, a ChildEntityID can be a Parent to other ChildEntityIDs. Again, an unlimited number of these relationships can exist.
4. BusinessRoleFunction (ID?) --There are job descriptions at this level. Again, an unlimited number may exist.
My initial table would look something like this (i think!):
Okay...now I'm lost. How do I effectively design this? I suppose it could also be viewed as an Organization Chart.
Thank you very much for your help!