Anytime I've ever used a subreport it disappears automatically if there is no data to report on. Are you using an unbound subreport? Joe Miller
nope! The subforms are bound to subreports. I don't get any data if there isn't any. I do have labels in the subreports that print no matter what. I could move the labels out into the main report. Basically what I am trying to do is fit all of the information in one report on one page. The particular subforms that I am trying to hide do not have data most of the time, so if I could hide them when there is no data I can save some space.
You know what...I can't move the labels into the main report because then that defeats the purpose of what I am trying to do. I don't even want it to look like those subreports exist if there is no data in them. I hope I am not confusing you.
My report has labels as well and a report header so that I can print them standalone if desired, they disappear when printed as a subreport. What section are the labels placed in? I have labels in the Page Header and the Report Header only, maybe that makes a difference? Joe Miller
You know what each subreport I have an unbound textbox that is tied to a function. I use this function to output all of the records in a comma delimited line. Maybe this has something to do with the reason that my subreports are not disappearing automatically. I will post the code...
Function BlendTheData(strSQL As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err1
Dim Rs As Recordset, Db As DATABASE, fld As Field
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set Rs = Db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
For Each fld In Rs.Fields
BlendTheData = fld.Value
Do Until Rs.EOF
For Each fld In Rs.Fields
BlendTheData = BlendTheData & ", " & fld.Value
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "Sera is Dumb..."
Resume Exit1
End Function
I am pretty new at writing code in Visual Basic. But maybe you can see something I am not seeing...I wasn't trying to stump you...
do the commas appear when you run the report? If they are appearing then you need to test for only commas (IE: no records) and set your string to "" in your code. Joe Miller
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