Hey all! I have a report that is pulling Projects and lawson numbers(model numbers). This report is running off of a query "qry_signage_verification" that pulls from 2 tables, "project_manager" and "tbl_lawson_numbers". My problem is this...
One project may have 1 lawson number, or it may have 10. Each Lawson number needs 3 "check boxes" to appear on the report beside the number. How can I have these check boxes appear IF there is a Lawson number, but NOT APPEAR if there isn't a lawson number? These boxes are only used to check off when completed, so they store no data. I know I can draw the boxes in, but if there is only one lawson number, I dont want 30 boxes. can you help?
(By the way, I know it probably isn't the best way, but the lawson numbers are divided up in the table by lawson_nbr1, lawson_nbr2, etc.)
One project may have 1 lawson number, or it may have 10. Each Lawson number needs 3 "check boxes" to appear on the report beside the number. How can I have these check boxes appear IF there is a Lawson number, but NOT APPEAR if there isn't a lawson number? These boxes are only used to check off when completed, so they store no data. I know I can draw the boxes in, but if there is only one lawson number, I dont want 30 boxes. can you help?
(By the way, I know it probably isn't the best way, but the lawson numbers are divided up in the table by lawson_nbr1, lawson_nbr2, etc.)