I am trying to hide a textbox control. If the purchase method selected from the dropdown is Bank Card I want to hide the Purchase order textbox. Nothing I have tried seems to work. Is this possible?
Here is the code for the listbox
<cfselect name="PurchaseMethod" required="Yes" message="You must select a purchase method" size="2">
<option value="Bank Card" <cfif PurchMeth EQ "Bank Card">selected</cfif>>Bank Card</option>
<option value="Purchase Order" <cfif PurchMeth EQ "Purchase Order">selected</cfif>>Purchase Order</option>
Here is the code for the textbox:
<!-- BEGIN TextBox PO Number -->
<td valign="top" align="center" width="21%"><cfif #PO_NUM# NEQ ""><cfoutput>#PO_NUM#</cfoutput><cfelse><cfoutput><cfinput size="35" name="rec_PO_NUM"></cfoutput></cfif></td>
<!-- End TextBox TextBox PO Number -->
Here is the code for the listbox
<cfselect name="PurchaseMethod" required="Yes" message="You must select a purchase method" size="2">
<option value="Bank Card" <cfif PurchMeth EQ "Bank Card">selected</cfif>>Bank Card</option>
<option value="Purchase Order" <cfif PurchMeth EQ "Purchase Order">selected</cfif>>Purchase Order</option>
Here is the code for the textbox:
<!-- BEGIN TextBox PO Number -->
<td valign="top" align="center" width="21%"><cfif #PO_NUM# NEQ ""><cfoutput>#PO_NUM#</cfoutput><cfelse><cfoutput><cfinput size="35" name="rec_PO_NUM"></cfoutput></cfif></td>
<!-- End TextBox TextBox PO Number -->