This is the code I am using to call another page
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="Dist_id" DataNavigateUrlFields="Dist_id,pmonth,pyear" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="dist_screen1.aspx?Dist_id={0}&pmonth={1}&pyear={2}">
The problem is it shows secure data on the called page. It also allows editing.
How do I do this so no one can see the data and edit it.
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="Dist_id" DataNavigateUrlFields="Dist_id,pmonth,pyear" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="dist_screen1.aspx?Dist_id={0}&pmonth={1}&pyear={2}">
The problem is it shows secure data on the called page. It also allows editing.
How do I do this so no one can see the data and edit it.