Is it possible with a code to hide a field, for example if it is 0, but let the label visible. If I use fieldname.visible=false the two disappaer. I would like to use this on a form.current
Conditional formatting is the best alternative since it involves no code and will work with a continuous form. Any code in the Form.Current event will modify the appearance of every displayed record.
As long as the label is not attached to the text box it will be no problem. Is the form continous or single form view? Your choices are limited to conditional formatting in continous form view.
Thanks for the replay. But I don't get it. It is a single form. But conditional formating will not hide the fieldcontext? The label and field are attached.
Using conditional formatting set the backcolor and front color to the back color of the form. It makes it look invisible. Or if using code simply cut the label and paste a new label back in. It will then be detached.
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