Jan 28, 2003 #1 doyle9732 Programmer Apr 12, 2002 185 CA does anyone know if there's a way to edit the <a href> tag so that when a user mouses over the link, the address does NOT show up in the bottom bar. many thanks! Stephanie
does anyone know if there's a way to edit the <a href> tag so that when a user mouses over the link, the address does NOT show up in the bottom bar. many thanks! Stephanie
Jan 28, 2003 #2 rizza Programmer Jul 16, 2002 66 US You need to use Javascript and create a function that uses the onMouseOver event to show something in the status bar. I just looked in google and this page should help you along http://www.cryer.co.uk/resources/javascript/script2.htm Upvote 0 Downvote
You need to use Javascript and create a function that uses the onMouseOver event to show something in the status bar. I just looked in google and this page should help you along http://www.cryer.co.uk/resources/javascript/script2.htm
Jan 28, 2003 Thread starter #3 doyle9732 Programmer Apr 12, 2002 185 CA Rizza - thanks - that site was perfect! Stephanie Upvote 0 Downvote