Good Question! Answer is to use the best spyware programs available. One program alone will not do the job, it can take several programs each checking in its one way.
Check out this forum and you will obtain a wealth of information about your question, it is the best possible solution.
I would also look into rootkits as they are becoming more commonly used and are hard to detect. There are several books, websites, and software about them.
James P. Cottingham
----------------------------------------- I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229!
If it is hidden you will need more advanced tools to find and locate hidden viruses/trojans etc and then there is the problem of recognizing a file for what it is, either a legit file or rogue!
If you don't know this then anyone using advanced tools to detect virses,/rootkits etc could end up doing serious damage to their computer systems if they don't knoww hat they are doing!
There is an arsenal of tools out there for advanced users to find hidden threats, but you need to know what one is looking for!
Member of ASAP Alliance of Security Analysis Professionals
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