Hello there, I have a table row that I want to hide unless there is something to put in there from our database, I'm doing that in Javascript which it not a problem. I am using the style tag with the visibility: hidden option. I also have tried visibility: collapsed (this is supposted to do what I want but it doesn't). Anyone have ideas?
My Code:
<tr bgcolor="red" style="visibility: hidden">
<td width="25%"><font size="-3" face="VERDANA,ARIAL" color="white">Tech Tools Message</font></td>
<td width="100%"><font face="VERDANA,ARIAL" size="-3" color="white">
<LABEL id=lblTechTools style="FONT-SIZE: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial">[%!ST_TECH_TOOLS%]</LABEL></font>
My Code:
<tr bgcolor="red" style="visibility: hidden">
<td width="25%"><font size="-3" face="VERDANA,ARIAL" color="white">Tech Tools Message</font></td>
<td width="100%"><font face="VERDANA,ARIAL" size="-3" color="white">
<LABEL id=lblTechTools style="FONT-SIZE: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial">[%!ST_TECH_TOOLS%]</LABEL></font>