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Hidden field limitation or CDO?

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Nov 13, 2000

I am creating a web site that asks people some questions.

Within this page there are three text fields and three multi-line text fields.

I allow users to submit as many forms as they like (just using a unique reference - which I ask the user for - to store the information against)

When each form is submitted all data is stored to an Access database.

On another page I allow the user to view ALL the data (forms) they have entered just before emailing (using CDO) all data contained within the page. This information displays fine without any problems.

Now I need to save all this information to a hidden field so I do the following:

<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;AllFields&quot; value=&quot;<%=tRef + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnBCMRef&quot;).value) + newline + newline + tBus + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnDependencies&quot;).value) + newline + newline + tAcc + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnDowntime&quot;).value) + newline + newline + tRec + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnCapabilities&quot;).value) + newline + newline + tTo + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnRecover&quot;).value) + newline + newline + tCos + newline + (rsBCMsend.Fields.Item(&quot;fnBenefit&quot;).value) + newline + newline%>&quot;>

This saves everything to the hidden field, and I retrieve this info on the next page using the Request.Form object, but when I receive the mail it displays everything thing apart from the multilined fields. Where the value is null.


Have you tried writing the information to the screen just before doing the send in CDONTS? It might be that you need to enclose the strings with quotes since your multi-line text might have spaces in it.

Another problem might be single quotes vs double quotes.

Just guessing since you haven't posted any code.


Hi Feng, (sorry this post is rather long)

&quot;Have you tried writing the information to the screen just before doing the send in CDONTS?&quot;

That's exactly what I do. The data which had been entered is shown.

But when I try to save this info to a hidden field it never displays the values.

I'll give you an example of how the site works, these are the questions which are asked:


Please enter a reference for this project:
[30 char max edit box]

What are the business dependencies?
[drop down menu with five pre defined values]

What is the acceptable level of downtime?
[drop down menu with five pre defined values]

What capabilities do you require in recovery?
[Multi-lined text field (no limit)]

Where do you recover to?
[Multi-lined text field (no limit)]

Weigh the cost / benefit of 'insurance coverage for each & determine strategy
[Multi-lined text field (no limit)]


All this information is then saved to an access database.

Users can decide when they want to email this information by pressing a button on the main page.

before this information is emailed I display and get confirmation from the user. There can be multiple entries so this is an example of what they see on this confirmation screen:

Reference (name of proposal):
This is a test 1

business dependencies:

Acceptable level of downtime:
Immediate recovery

Recovery capabilities:
test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a test 1a

Recover to:
test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b test 1b

Cost/benefit of 'insurance' coverage for each & determine strategy
test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c test 1c


Reference (name of proposal):
This is a test 2

business dependencies:

Acceptable level of downtime:
Immediate recovery

Recovery capabilities:
test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a test 2a

Recover to:
test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b test 2b

You see all the information is displayed fine, but when I post this info to the following page and use the request.form object to get the hidden field, this is what the output is in the mail:

Kevin Abbott has used iRequire and is indicating that the project being developed will potentially require the following BCM:

Reference (name of proposal):
This is a test 1

Business dependencies:

Acceptable level of downtime:
Immediate recovery

Recovery capabilities:

Recover to:

Cost/benefit of 'insurance' coverage for each & determine strategy null

Reference (name of proposal):
This is a test 2

Business dependencies:

Acceptable level of downtime:
Immediate recovery

Recovery capabilities:

Recover to:

Cost/benefit of 'insurance' coverage for each & determine strategy null

Regards Kevin Abbott Tel:(95555)

You see the multi-lined fields turn out to be null ?!?!?!

Do you know why this is?

I suggest that you do:

tmpval = request.form(&quot;AllFields&quot;)
response.write tmpval

in you next web page to actually see if all the values are there. If they are, then it might be the code where you are inserting the multiline text into CDONTS.

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