Wondering if anyone knows the problem?
I was trying to print a picking tickets report and I got this error below:
"The batch of documents sent to PrintBoss doesn't have a flag appearing anywhere in the document
(PB#INFO <FormName>, <BankCode>, <DocNo>, <DocAmnt>, <DocRecip>)"
What did I missed?
I read about this and looks like the report is not triggering the right info.
The PrintBoss Trigger is only used for passing four very common pre-defined variable names, DocNo, DocAmnt,
DocRecip, and DocMisc, to PrintBoss. It can ALSO communicate the name of the Form and the Bank Code for
PrintBoss to use. This method requires the ability to edit the accounting software report content in order to
properly add the PB#INFO expression. The syntax follows:
The PB#INFO MUST BE CAPITALIZED. Delimiters such as quotes, double quotes, or brackets are not
required, but are recommended for some of the variables to avoid confusion when a comma occurs in the data,
such as the thousands separator in the amount.
Only the first parameter, Form, is required. So the simplest use of this command might be:
The whole expression will be blanked out after PrintBoss processes the information. The expression should be on
a line all by itself, though it can be any size font and can occur anywhere on the page. Here is an example of a
line that would print from the accounting software:
PB#INFOMYCHK1, “CHECKING 1”, “100456”, “1,456.23”, “ACME ELECTRIC”, “527-0012”
Of course, this is the expression after it is evaluated and all the variables are replaced by data. The evaluation
occurs after the report is printed from the accounting software. The actual content might be similar to the
following, although the actual syntax and field names are dependent on your report writer:
"PB#INFO MyChk1, “+
“[“+ db.BankCode + “],” +
“[“+ db.CheckNo + “],” +
“[“+ db.Amount + “],” +
“[“+ db.Payee + “],” +
“[“+ db.VendorFaxNo + “],” +
Can you en light me, please
Wondering if anyone knows the problem?
I was trying to print a picking tickets report and I got this error below:
"The batch of documents sent to PrintBoss doesn't have a flag appearing anywhere in the document
(PB#INFO <FormName>, <BankCode>, <DocNo>, <DocAmnt>, <DocRecip>)"
What did I missed?
I read about this and looks like the report is not triggering the right info.
The PrintBoss Trigger is only used for passing four very common pre-defined variable names, DocNo, DocAmnt,
DocRecip, and DocMisc, to PrintBoss. It can ALSO communicate the name of the Form and the Bank Code for
PrintBoss to use. This method requires the ability to edit the accounting software report content in order to
properly add the PB#INFO expression. The syntax follows:
The PB#INFO MUST BE CAPITALIZED. Delimiters such as quotes, double quotes, or brackets are not
required, but are recommended for some of the variables to avoid confusion when a comma occurs in the data,
such as the thousands separator in the amount.
Only the first parameter, Form, is required. So the simplest use of this command might be:
The whole expression will be blanked out after PrintBoss processes the information. The expression should be on
a line all by itself, though it can be any size font and can occur anywhere on the page. Here is an example of a
line that would print from the accounting software:
PB#INFOMYCHK1, “CHECKING 1”, “100456”, “1,456.23”, “ACME ELECTRIC”, “527-0012”
Of course, this is the expression after it is evaluated and all the variables are replaced by data. The evaluation
occurs after the report is printed from the accounting software. The actual content might be similar to the
following, although the actual syntax and field names are dependent on your report writer:
"PB#INFO MyChk1, “+
“[“+ db.BankCode + “],” +
“[“+ db.CheckNo + “],” +
“[“+ db.Amount + “],” +
“[“+ db.Payee + “],” +
“[“+ db.VendorFaxNo + “],” +
Can you en light me, please