I am trying access sql-server thru tcp/ip netware library. i canfigure properly to tcp/ip netware library. below connectoion string is working fine with those m/c that have sql server installed
connectio string is
cn.Open "driver=SQL Server;server=host.domain.com;uid=<name>;password=<password>database=<database name>"
but it gives error to those m/c that have'nt sql server intalled
error is : [microsoft [odbc sql server driver] client unable to establish connection
connectio string is
cn.Open "driver=SQL Server;server=host.domain.com;uid=<name>;password=<password>database=<database name>"
but it gives error to those m/c that have'nt sql server intalled
error is : [microsoft [odbc sql server driver] client unable to establish connection