Hi! I am trying to redo an old report. My report is grouped by endpoint (suppressed), lists account numbers and associated amounts in details A section, and has an item total and amount total at the botton of each page in a details B section. Using this format, I tried to make a count formula that would count my items per page, resetting when RunTable.DebCred = P and having the page break there also. This is an example of how it should look:
1234556 566.78
3432452 843.23
3489799 98.34
3 Items 1508.35 Item Total
My current item count formula is:
NumberVar PageCount;
If {RunTable.DebCred} = 'P' or
Previous({RunTable.Endpoint}) <> {RunTable.Endpoint}
PageCount := 0
else if
onfirstrecord then
PageCount:= 1
PageCount:= PageCount + 1;
I have tried nearly everything--including adding another group and trying reset and initialize formulas but to no avail (then again my programming knowledge is very small). Suggestions anyone?
1234556 566.78
3432452 843.23
3489799 98.34
3 Items 1508.35 Item Total
My current item count formula is:
NumberVar PageCount;
If {RunTable.DebCred} = 'P' or
Previous({RunTable.Endpoint}) <> {RunTable.Endpoint}
PageCount := 0
else if
onfirstrecord then
PageCount:= 1
PageCount:= PageCount + 1;
I have tried nearly everything--including adding another group and trying reset and initialize formulas but to no avail (then again my programming knowledge is very small). Suggestions anyone?