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HI, How do I integrate HP with Remedy? 2

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Mar 29, 2000
I need to integrate Remedy with HP OpenView and remedy
sends the notification for any network down.

Looking out for steps to configure the above.


You'll need a third party application, such as Micromuse's Netcool, which has a plug-in interface module for Remedy and accepts traps from Openview. I do not know of any direct Openview-to-Remedy solutions other than this. If anyone else does, would they shoot me a quick e-mail? jschmitt@neteffectcorp.com


Jeff Schmitt
Hi People

HP have just released partnership deals with remedy amoungst others and it is possible to integrate the two together...it's released by softlab product is remedy link for hp openview nnm version 1.2. supports hp nmm 6.x and ars 3.2, 4.0, 4.5. I have the information on it but not the product.

I can dig around some more if you want more information...I will scan the docs I have got and email if required!!

Page :)

Thanks, that would be kind, if it is possible please do scan and send me the url/emails for .

so that, can see and make the connection of HP with Remedy.


Our company is also looking to integrate Openview (specifically ITO) with Remedy. ITO does have a Smart Plug-In available for quick installation. You can find the documentation at:

From the drop down menu, select Smart Plug-In for Remedy Action Request System.
Does anyone know how much the Remedy plug-in for HP Openview costs? I doubt that it is free, but in case it is, does anyone know where I can find it?

just a little slow to the response here, but. . .

i've gotten ARSPerl to allow OV to interface with Remedy pretty well. . .whenever a node goes down, it inserts a "serious warning" level ticket, and assigns it to all of the Help Desk crew. . .

if you'd like i can post the good bits for you. . .

Remedy used to ship an interface to HP OV NNM
that was FREE for the longest time.

As soon as Remedy managed to become a monopoly,
they discontinued shipping the interface.

> ARSPerl to allow OV to interface with Remedy pretty well...

Can you get Perl to sit on the trap stream in OV NNM???
That is really the hard part, I would think.

Generating the incidents into Remedy ARS is pretty easy.
EMS Architect

Can you post the interesting bits regarding how to integrate HPOV alarms with remedy please, many thanks

Afreeman -

This may be a long post, but here goes. (By the by, if you've got a largish NCC that uses Remedy, be sure to warn them before you try this. It inserts a ticket whenever a node goes down, so be sure to modify the second block to only insert tickets for important nodes.)

Also, i realize that my script has my Remedy account and admin password right in the script, but since i'm the only person with access to my OpenView server, and one of two with access to the Remedy server, it's not a major concern of mine. You may want to modify it to read in a config doc.

First, get ARSPerl : and install this on to your OpenView server. I've never gotten it working with OpenView's native Perl, so i install ActivePerl as well (v 5.6.x)

Next, copy these three DLL's from any Remedy directory onto the OpenView server (c:\winnt\system32 is good if you've got Windows)


Okay, in OpenView, go to Options > Event Configuration. Select 'OpenView' in the Enterprises. Select 'OV_Node_Down'. On the Action tab, write "perl $OV_BIN\\CreateTicket.pl $2", where $OV_BIN is the path to the OpenView binary folder (ie. x:\\openview\\bin)

Still with me?

Now the easy part. Copy this whole script, and save it as "CreateTicket.pl", and place it in the $OV_BIN folder. Accidentally unplug a server to see if it works. Check the log file ovactiond.log on the OpenView server. If all goes well, the last line should look something like :

Tue Jan 06 14:22:10 Command "d:\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe d:\openview\bin\CreateTicket.pl EBN702_Cat2924" returned standard output data:
Success :: NIAN00000004404

Write back with any questions, i'll definitely try to help you out. A real good place to check with questions is on that buffalo.edu web page. The school is absolutely aweful, but the web page is pretty helpful.


# needs the following dll's to work : arapi4x.dll arrpc4x.dll arutl4x.dll
# where x is the version number (4.0 or 4.5)
# which can be found in the Remedy installation dir

use ARS; # use the Action Remedy System package

### Default Variables

# The values you're going to insert into the ticket.
# At the very least, you'll need the fields that are required to save the ticket set here.

$strLastName = "OpenView";
$strFirstName = "HP";

($strNode) = (shift);

$strDescription = "$strNode is down";

$strServerName ="(insert server name or ip)"; # server ip or name
$strUserName = "(insert remedy account with admin rights)"; # user account in Remedy
$strPassword = "(insert remedy account password)"; # user password
$strSchema = "TTS-Main"; # schema name.


if (($strNode !~ / (host name of node you care about) /i))


# ControlID is a "scalar control record", basically a pointer to a successful logon

$ctrControlID = ars_Login($strServerName, $strUserName, $strPassword)
|| die "can't logon to the server: $ars_errstr";


($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);

$year = ($year - 100) + 2000;

$mon = sprintf("%02d", $mon);
$mday = sprintf("%02d", $mday);
$min = sprintf("%02d", $min);
$sec = sprintf("%02d", $sec);

if ($hour > 12)
$hour = $hour-12;
$strUmm = "PM";
$strUmm= "AM";

$strUniqueID = "$mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec $strUmm";


# These are different for every Remedy box.
# in the ticket database, look at the table titled "Field", and the column "FieldID" to see what these numbers should be

%hshValues = (

$intEntryID = ars_CreateEntry($ctrControlID, $strSchema, %hshValues) || die "Error on submission to ARS:\n$ars_errstr\n";

print "Success :: $intEntryID\n";

################################# LOGOFF THE REMEDY SERVER #


exit 0;
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