I have question can you have a pkm48 and a pkm12 both connected to a superset 4150 on a sx2000 as there is a connection from the pkm48 which looks like you can connect another pkm48 or a pkm12 also do you need a further power supply.
I know for a fact you can have 2 PKM-48's so I don't see any reason why the 2nd PKM couldn't be a 12 instead of a 48. I believe each PKM would need it's own power supply, though, but I'm not 100% on that.
Got to be careful guys to remember the same phones work on both the SX2000 and the SX200. Seem to recall that the double PKM 48 was only supported on the SX200. However its been a while and I could be wrong.
I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
I've programmed dual 48's on both SX-2000's and 3300ICP's. I'm 95% sure you could do a 48 + 12 on a 2k, you'd have to program it as a dual 48 but as long as the 12 is the 2nd PKM it should work. Just be careful not to program keys beyond the first 12 since you obviously won't be able to see/press them.
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