Hi guys, hopefully you can help me out with this ine.
I insert customer information in my table, and every time
for some reason the state is set to zero instead of what it
is supposed to be, say "CA".
I insert values using a stored procedure, and as you can see I use JScript. Here are the values I insert:
salutation = String(Request.Form("salutation");
title = String(Request.Form("title");
firstName = String(Request.Form("firstName");
lastName = String(Request.Form("lastName");
company = String(Request.Form("company");
streetAddress = String(Request.Form("streetAddress");
city = String(Request.Form("city");
state = String(Request.Form("state");
country = String(Request.Form("country");
zip = String(Request.Form("zip");
phone = String(Request.Form("phone");
fax = String(Request.Form("fax");
mobile = String(Request.Form("mobile");
email = String(Request.Form("email");
pwd = String(Request.Form("pwd");
Here's my ASP code for the command object:
var conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
var cmdInsertCust = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
var customerId;
with (cmdInsertCust)
ActiveConnection = conn;
CommandText = "spInsertCustomerInfo";
CommandType = 4;
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@salutation", 202, 1, 20, salutation));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@firstName", 202, 1, 35, firstName));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@lastName", 202, 1, 35, lastName));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@company", 202, 1, 75, company));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@title", 202, 1, 50, title));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@streetAddress", 202, 1, 75, streetAddress));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@city", 202, 1, 50, city));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, state));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@country", 202, 1, 30, country));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@zip", 202, 1, 10, zip));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@phone", 202, 1, 15, phone));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@fax", 202, 1, 15, fax));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@mobile", 202, 1, 15, mobile));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@email", 202, 1, 50, email));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@password", 202, 1, 8, pwd));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@customerId", 3, 2));
customerId = Number(Parameters("@customerId");
And Here's the stored procedure in SQL Server:
CREATE PROCEDURE spInsertCustomerInfo
@salutation nvarchar(20),
@firstName nvarchar(35),
@lastName nvarchar(35),
@company nvarchar(75),
@title nvarchar(50),
@streetAddress nvarchar(75),
@city nvarchar(50),
@state nvarchar(10),
@country nvarchar(30),
@zip nvarchar(10),
@phone nvarchar(15),
@fax nvarchar(15),
@mobile nvarchar(15),
@email nvarchar(50),
@password nvarchar(8),
@customerId int OUTPUT
FROM dbCustomerInfo
WHERE email = @email AND lastName = @lastName)
SELECT @customerId = 0
INSERT INTO dbCustomerInfo
SELECT @customerId = @@IDENTITY
If I use Response.Write(state) in my ASP code, it shows that in ASP the state is set to "CA".
However, if I pass state as an argument to the stored procedure, it is set to zero along the way.
Interestingly, if I write
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, phone));,
for example, the state field in the database is set to the value of phone, i.e. 4567890, not zero, as is the case with passing the state value.
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, state));,
So I kinda don't understand, why one varialble works fine and the other does not.
If you can help, that'd be awesome.
What's up with that... Dmitriy
I insert customer information in my table, and every time
for some reason the state is set to zero instead of what it
is supposed to be, say "CA".
I insert values using a stored procedure, and as you can see I use JScript. Here are the values I insert:
salutation = String(Request.Form("salutation");
title = String(Request.Form("title");
firstName = String(Request.Form("firstName");
lastName = String(Request.Form("lastName");
company = String(Request.Form("company");
streetAddress = String(Request.Form("streetAddress");
city = String(Request.Form("city");
state = String(Request.Form("state");
country = String(Request.Form("country");
zip = String(Request.Form("zip");
phone = String(Request.Form("phone");
fax = String(Request.Form("fax");
mobile = String(Request.Form("mobile");
email = String(Request.Form("email");
pwd = String(Request.Form("pwd");
Here's my ASP code for the command object:
var conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
var cmdInsertCust = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
var customerId;
with (cmdInsertCust)
ActiveConnection = conn;
CommandText = "spInsertCustomerInfo";
CommandType = 4;
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@salutation", 202, 1, 20, salutation));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@firstName", 202, 1, 35, firstName));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@lastName", 202, 1, 35, lastName));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@company", 202, 1, 75, company));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@title", 202, 1, 50, title));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@streetAddress", 202, 1, 75, streetAddress));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@city", 202, 1, 50, city));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, state));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@country", 202, 1, 30, country));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@zip", 202, 1, 10, zip));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@phone", 202, 1, 15, phone));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@fax", 202, 1, 15, fax));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@mobile", 202, 1, 15, mobile));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@email", 202, 1, 50, email));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@password", 202, 1, 8, pwd));
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@customerId", 3, 2));
customerId = Number(Parameters("@customerId");
And Here's the stored procedure in SQL Server:
CREATE PROCEDURE spInsertCustomerInfo
@salutation nvarchar(20),
@firstName nvarchar(35),
@lastName nvarchar(35),
@company nvarchar(75),
@title nvarchar(50),
@streetAddress nvarchar(75),
@city nvarchar(50),
@state nvarchar(10),
@country nvarchar(30),
@zip nvarchar(10),
@phone nvarchar(15),
@fax nvarchar(15),
@mobile nvarchar(15),
@email nvarchar(50),
@password nvarchar(8),
@customerId int OUTPUT
FROM dbCustomerInfo
WHERE email = @email AND lastName = @lastName)
SELECT @customerId = 0
INSERT INTO dbCustomerInfo
SELECT @customerId = @@IDENTITY
If I use Response.Write(state) in my ASP code, it shows that in ASP the state is set to "CA".
However, if I pass state as an argument to the stored procedure, it is set to zero along the way.
Interestingly, if I write
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, phone));,
for example, the state field in the database is set to the value of phone, i.e. 4567890, not zero, as is the case with passing the state value.
Parameters.Append(CreateParameter("@state", 202, 1, 10, state));,
So I kinda don't understand, why one varialble works fine and the other does not.
If you can help, that'd be awesome.
What's up with that... Dmitriy