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Hi everyone, I am trying to put ou 2

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Feb 25, 2003
Hi everyone,
I am trying to put our businessness website on a diet by reducing it's page size.

In doing so I have changed the structure of the layout table to make effective use of sliced background images rather than one big one.

I am finding it displays exactly how I would like it (well almost) using Firebird (like Mozilla). I have w3c valid html and css.

Sure enough, Internet Explorer 6 is not displaying it the way I intended.

Thr right hand side is supposed to have the "navigation semi-circle" shown once, yet it is repeated several times in IE. I have marked the screenshots to further explain.

The testing html page is here:

The css is here:

The correct-looking Firebird screenshot is here:

The incorrect-looking Internet Explorer screenshot is here:

I would greatly appruciate anyones contributions as to what could fix this. A code snippet would be even better :)

Thanks heaps for your time and patience.


I wish I could have edited the thread title.

The code needs editing a bit to get it to work, but it's not too bad a job...

You'll be pleased to hear that the CSS needed no modification, although bg6.gif will need to be altered to not have a transparent background (you'll see this when you load the page up).

Add the following lines in at line 29 (right after the opening

<td rowspan=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot; style=&quot;background-image: url(images/bg7.gif)&quot;>
<table width=&quot;190&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;>

Then edit line 32 (the one that has a
with bg6.gif as the background image) to read:

<td bgcolor=&quot;#E3E4FF&quot; style=&quot;background-image:url(images/bg6.gif);xbackground-repeat:no-repeat;xheight:187px;&quot; VALIGN=&quot;TOP&quot; height=&quot;187&quot;>

Then at line 44 (right inbetween the 2
tags), insert this:

<td valign=&quot;top&quot;>
<A HREF=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.cheap-web-site-hosting.com.au/&quot;><IMG[/URL] ALT=&quot;Cheap Web Site Hosting&quot; SRC=&quot;images/cheap_web_site_hosting.gif&quot; VSPACE=&quot;5&quot; HSPACE=&quot;0&quot; BORDER=&quot;0&quot;></A><br>

And then remove the very last row of your code (as we've just placed it elsewhere).

That lot works fine for me, although as I said, you need to edit bg6.gif and make the bgcolor the same as your body bgcolor instead of transparent.

If that lot doesn't work, let me know, and I'll post the whole source.

Hope this helps!


You can actually remove both of those properties from the style tag altogether, making it just:


I had put the X in front to stop them being picked up (easier for debugging), and must have left them in.

Sorry to have confused and discombobulated you.

Dear Dan and Chris,
Great help guys. I'm up and going and looking much better in IE.

My website diet is well on the way and my users are much better for it.

Also, keeping everything W3C compliant is giving me that warm fuzzy feeling :)

Kudos to both of you. Greatly appruciated.

If you want to remain W3C compliant, I suggest you add width and height attributes to all your (non-background) images. I found a few were missing.

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