hey out there....I understand that if you develop a delphi app on a Win OS that you can compile it on linux with Kylix....is this so the other way around...develop in Kylix and compile in Delphi on Windows??
This is partially true, kylix and delphi are compatible but
not 100%. Kylix cannot compile Delphi apps that contain
windows objects (ie like ADO controls). Of course you can
use the basic stuff. But some just wont work. I know that
a lot of programmers are currently making simular objects
for Kylix. Basically it is Object Pascal for Linux, as
Delphi is Object Pascal for Windows.
I hope this helps,
BobbaFet Everyone has a right to my opinion.
E-mail me at cwcon@programmer.net
You can develop in Kylix and then build your code with Delphi6 for windows. There are exceptions though!
Specifically, you can't use linux or windows API calls. COM objects in windows won't work in Linux. The other big thing is that the linux gui library is based on the Qt widget library. For your application to work in linux or windows the Qt widgets need to be installed in that OS.
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