Here's the thing. I've been at my current job for about a month now, the guy I replaced went to a bigger company. I work for a small company (8 employees) including the owner.
The owner can use a computer but doesn't seem to know much about them. He has no conceptual idea as to what a database is.
The guy before me had a few certifications in Net+, A+ and MSCE or something like that.
Today he called me up to retrieve his password he forgot, no problem! When I brought it to him, he said he tried it and it didn't work. Turns out it was a Mozilla thing and his previous programmers. But it feels like I am getting to hammer on it... I don't think he understands why its Mozilla. Of course, I could go fix it but this is his pride code he is getting a US Patent on and 75g's invested in it.
What bother me is that he said the people were complaining of sluggish computers.
The average computer is a 400 Mhz, 256 mb ram, dual monitor computer running Windows 98 or ME.
Our server is a 1.2 Ghz + 512 MB ram, which is our web server and mail server also. About 10 computers connect to this server + about 50 - 100 users browsing our 3 websites.
Throughout the day the staff are hitting the scripts, accessing the database and everything else... the entire system is web based.
Excel files freeze, the inventories are taking longer to open up, etc, etc....
How do I convince my boss that its time to invest in some newer equipment? We are running NT4, Exchange 5.5, and some old op sys! His philosophy is that if its not broke, don't fix it.
He things highly of the guy before me and these problems existed before me, but I am getting the blame I think.
I don't even know how to prove my point to him!
I really don't know what I am talking about, I just talk!
The owner can use a computer but doesn't seem to know much about them. He has no conceptual idea as to what a database is.
The guy before me had a few certifications in Net+, A+ and MSCE or something like that.
Today he called me up to retrieve his password he forgot, no problem! When I brought it to him, he said he tried it and it didn't work. Turns out it was a Mozilla thing and his previous programmers. But it feels like I am getting to hammer on it... I don't think he understands why its Mozilla. Of course, I could go fix it but this is his pride code he is getting a US Patent on and 75g's invested in it.
What bother me is that he said the people were complaining of sluggish computers.
The average computer is a 400 Mhz, 256 mb ram, dual monitor computer running Windows 98 or ME.
Our server is a 1.2 Ghz + 512 MB ram, which is our web server and mail server also. About 10 computers connect to this server + about 50 - 100 users browsing our 3 websites.
Throughout the day the staff are hitting the scripts, accessing the database and everything else... the entire system is web based.
Excel files freeze, the inventories are taking longer to open up, etc, etc....
How do I convince my boss that its time to invest in some newer equipment? We are running NT4, Exchange 5.5, and some old op sys! His philosophy is that if its not broke, don't fix it.
He things highly of the guy before me and these problems existed before me, but I am getting the blame I think.
I don't even know how to prove my point to him!
I really don't know what I am talking about, I just talk!