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HEX values in VFP 1

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Mar 27, 2001
I am trying to get the these values into this command line but I am unable to work out how to represent a HEX value.
I bet it is easy when you know how.

hwnd=(program derived screen handle)


I hope that the following routines, written by Doug Hennig, would help you:

* Function: Decimal2Hex
* Purpose: Convert a decimal number to a hex string
* Author: Doug Hennig
* Copyright: (c) 2000 Stonefield Systems Group Inc.
* Last Revision: 11/02/2000
* Parameters: tnValue - the decimal value
* tnPlaces - the number of places needed (optional: if it
* isn't specified, 4 is used)
* Returns: the hex string
* Environment in: none
* Environment out: none

lparameters tnValue, ;
local lnPlaces, ;
lcHex, ;
lnDecimal, ;
lnCurrDecimals, ;
lnPlaces, ;
lnI, ;
lnExponent, ;
lnTemp, ;
lnPlaces = iif(pcount() = 1, 4, tnPlaces)
lcHex = ''
lnDecimal = tnValue
lnCurrDecimals = set('DECIMALS')
lnPlaces = iif(pcount() = 1, 4, tnPlaces)
set decimals to 17
for lnI = lnPlaces to 1 step -1
lnExponent = 256 ^ (lnI - 1)
lnTemp = int(lnDecimal/lnExponent)
lcHex = lcHex + chr(lnTemp)
lnDecimal = lnDecimal - lnTemp * lnExponent
next lnI
set decimals to lnCurrDecimals

* Reverse the order of the characters.

lcOut = ''
for lnI = 1 to lnPlaces
lcOut = lcOut + substr(lcHex, lnPlaces - lnI + 1, 1)
next lnI
return lcOut

and Hex2Decimal
* Function: Hex2Decimal
* Purpose: Converts a value in Intel format to a decimal value
* Author: Doug Hennig
* Copyright: (c) 2000 Stonefield Systems Group Inc.
* Last Revision: 11/02/2000
* Parameters: tcValue - the value to convert
* tlSigned - .T. if the value is signed
* Returns: the numeric value
* Environment in: none
* Environment out: none

lparameters tcValue, ;
local lnDecimal, ;
lnLen, ;
lnI, ;
lnMSB, ;
lnDecimal = 0
lnLen = len(tcValue)
for lnI = 1 to lnLen
lnDecimal = lnDecimal + asc(substr(tcValue, lnI, 1)) * 256 ^ (lnI - 1)
next lnI
if tlSigned
lnMSB = (lnLen * 8) - 1
if bittest(lnDecimal, lnMSB)
lnMax = 2 ^ (lnMSB + 1)
lnDecimal = lnResult - lnMax
endif bittest(lnDecimal, lnMSB)
endif tlSigned
return lnDecimal

Hope this helps. Grigore Dolghin
Class Software
Bucharest, Romania
In VFP, you can use hex numbers directly by prefacing them with 0x (zero ex). So "msg1=&H400" (as you'd write it in Visual Basic) would be "msg1=0x400" in VFP.


Note to Grigore: It's consider at least "bad taste" to post Copyrighted code without the express consent of the author. In fact in the US it could even be grounds for a law suit. Although I want to make it clear that I'm NOT speaking for Doug Hennig in this case.
Hello, rgbean

This is code posted publicly by Doug Hennig itself. I don't violate any copyright. I only maintain the proper copyright and author mentions.

That's it. I hope we'll not have more such problems in the future.
Grigore Dolghin
Class Software
Bucharest, Romania
Not to mention anything that Dolghin had violated or not (the copyright laws) ...
It is my humble suggestion to Dolghin and other members ..

1. we can copy the thread when we download such codes and keep it at the head of the routines.
2. When we want to help others, we can just put the link in the public .. so that any one can reach that.
3. People who cannot follow the thread, can make personal communication and get things sorted out by the helping members.

However I appreciate Dolghin for having a straingt thinking for helping the community. It is only the safeguard I suggested and not for starting any controversy.
I also appreciate Rick for posting his comments and I understand he did neither start a controversy.

:) :) :)
ramani :)
Hey guys, guys, guys!
I only asked a question and a few of you were good enough to reply and for this I am grateful but have a heart.
While you are carrying on your discussions on the whys and wherefores of what is right and what is wrong, I am receiving numerous E-mails telling me of a reply to my post. I get there and find the message isn`t for me.
Be gentle there are only so many hours in a day.
Hi all my friends,
For Grigore, You may not violate any of Doug's copyright, but you just violated his human rights by calling him '" itself" :) just kidding.
For WebPager, there is an option to remove this thread from your mailing notification, " Be gentle there " and use it.
But don't prevent us from responding to each other, being the one who started this thread, it doesn't mean that you own it.
Walid Magd
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