I have a textbox, listbox and command button on a search form. Then listbox consist of (4) columns: Customer ID, Company Name, Phone No. and Fax No. The bound column is (2) the Company Name. As you type the customer name in the textbox above the listbox, I want the listbox to correspond with the textbox. <br>
If you type "M" int the textbox, the listbox would move to the first record beginning with "M".<br>
The command button is used to select the entry.<br>
This is sort of like autofill in a combobox. <br>
How do I do this
If you type "M" int the textbox, the listbox would move to the first record beginning with "M".<br>
The command button is used to select the entry.<br>
This is sort of like autofill in a combobox. <br>
How do I do this