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Help with vb script

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Technical User
Nov 8, 2012
Hello, I'm still a rookie when it comes to scripting and I'm running into a road block and would like some assistance if possible. In the following script a log file 'AVDefDelivery_04032013.log' is created. ( see below for .log) The script is stopping at 'Delivering files to Register' and I'm having some difficulty figuring out why. Any assistance or direction to what I'm doing wrong will be greatly appreciated.

Copy of VB Script ---

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

' Establish global variables.
Dim arrTrgClients()
Dim g_intMain, g_intLocale
Dim g_objFS, g_objShell, g_objCSV, g_objRegister
Dim g_strLogFolder, g_strLogFile, g_strServerName, g_strCurrentPath, g_strHosts
Dim g_strCSVTemp, g_strWinDir, g_strCSV, g_strUtils, g_strServerIPAddress, g_strEnvType
Dim g_strBPS, dNow

' Constants
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Const MinWindow = 7
Const SuccessCode = 555
Const PendingCode = 777
Const RegisterThreshold = 0.75
Const LocaleUSA = 1033
dNow = Now()

' Set global variables.
Set g_objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g_objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set g_objRegister = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
g_intLocale = SetLocale(LocaleUSA)

g_strServerName = UCase(g_objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%"))
g_strServerIPAddress = GetIPAddress(g_strServerName)
g_strCurrentPath = g_objFS.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
g_strHosts = GetOutput("type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts")

strFilePath = "c:\AVDefUpdate\RegisterVirDef.log"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Open the file for write access.
On Error Resume Next
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFilePath, _
ForWriting, CreateIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII)

' Determine Utils folder based on Operating System.
g_strUtils = ""
g_strWinDir = ""
If g_objFS.FileExists("C:\Windows\System32\ServerManagerCmd.exe") Then
' g_strUtils = "C:\Program Files\Utils"
g_strUtils = "C:\progra~1\Utils"
g_strWinDir = "Windows"
g_strUtils = "C:\Utils"
g_strWinDir = "WinNT"
End If

' Acquire local hosts file output for device name resolution.
g_strHosts = GetOutput("type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts")

' Determine Windows OS home folder.
'g_strWinDir = ""
'If g_objFS.FileExists("D:\XPS\xpsctrl.exe") Then
' g_strWinDir = "WinNT"
'ElseIf g_objFS.FileExists("C:\gstr\iSTORE\bin\DownloadProc.exe") Then
' g_strWinDir = "Windows"
'End If

' Interrogate the RemoteWare Client service for administrative rights before proceeding.
'If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("RemoteWareService") Then
' Dim strRWFlag, strDoneFlag
' strRWFlag = "C:\RemoteWareService.Flag"
' strDoneFlag = "C:\Done.Flag"
'If g_objFS.FileExists(strDoneFlag) Then
' Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(strDoneFlag, True)
'End If
'If g_objFS.FileExists(strRWFlag) Then
' Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(strRWFlag, True)
'End If
'If RemoteWareService() = 0 Then
' Call g_objFS.CreateTextFile(strRWFlag, True)
'End If
'Call g_objFS.CreateTextFile(strDoneFlag, True)
'End If

' Establish location for log and CSV files.
g_strLogFolder = "C:\TJXLogs"
If Not g_objFS.FolderExists(g_strLogFolder) Then
End If
If Not WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Target") And Not WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Controller") Then
g_strLogFile = g_strLogFolder & Chr(92) & "AVDefDelivery_" & DateSuffix() & ".log"
If g_objFS.FileExists(g_strLogFile) Then
Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strLogFile, True)
End If
g_strCSV = g_strLogFolder & Chr(92) & "AVDefDeliveryResults.csv"
g_strLogFile = g_strLogFolder & Chr(92) & "AVDefDelivery_" & DateSuffix() & "_Target.log"
g_strCSV = g_strLogFolder & Chr(92) & "AVDefDeliveryResults" & DateSuffix() & "_Target.csv"
End If

' Output file to organize results.
g_strCSVTemp = g_strCSV & ".temp"
If g_objFS.FileExists(g_strCSVTemp) Then
End If
If g_objFS.FileExists(g_strCSV) Then
End If

' Run main script.
g_intMain = Main()

' Prepare CSV file with results.
Call g_objFS.CopyFile(g_strCSVTemp, g_strCSV, True)
Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strCSVTemp, True)
If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Target") Then
Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strCSV, True)
End If

' Exit and return result code to any calling application.
g_intLocale = SetLocale(g_intLocale)
Call KillProcess("sftpg3.exe")
'Call KillProcess("sshg3.exe")

' Function: The primary instructions of the script.
Function Main

' Declare function variables.
Dim intGenerateRegisters, intIndex, intResult, intDone, intTimer, intTimeOut, intSuccess
Dim strRegister, strRegisterIP, strRegisterAlias, strCommand
Dim strNow, strThen, strTool
Dim arrExec, arrResult, arrTool, arrEnvType
Dim objExec
Dim blnDone, blnEnvType, blnController, blnRegister
Dim objSFTP, objData, objInstall, objResult

' Log header.
Call WriteToLog("Start of the AVDef File on the Triversity Controller and Registers.")
Call WriteToLog("Target system is" & Chr(32) & Chr(34) & g_strServerName & Chr(34) & ", IP address:" & Chr(32) & g_strServerIPAddress)

' Create support tools folder.
If Not g_objFS.FolderExists(g_strUtils) Then
Call g_objFS.CreateFolder(g_strUtils)
End If

' Prepare Controller support tools for batch mode.
arrTool = Array("sdelete.reg", "pskill.reg")
For Each strTool In arrTool
If g_objFS.FileExists(g_strUtils & Chr(92) & strTool) Then
strCommand = "%ComSpec% /c regedit /s" & Chr(32) & Chr(34) & g_strUtils & Chr(92) & strTool & Chr(34)
intResult = g_objShell.Run(strCommand, MinWindow, True)
End If

' Prepare Register support tools.
'If Not g_objFS.FolderExists(g_strUtils & "\AVDef\RegPass") Then
' Call g_objFS.CreateFolder(g_strUtils & "\AVDef\RegPass")
'End If
'arrTool = Array("cusrmgr.exe", "NTRights.exe", "pathman.exe", "pathman.vbs", "sc.exe","reg.exe", "schtasks.exe", "sdelete.exe", "sdelete.reg", "sleep.exe", "ClearCryptoKeys.vbs", "psshutdown.exe", "psshutdown.reg")
'For Each strTool In arrTool
' If g_objFS.FileExists(g_strUtils & "\" & strTool) Then
' Call g_objFS.CopyFile(g_strUtils & "\" & strTool, g_strUtils & "\AVDef\RegPass\" & strTool, True)
' End If

' Determine Software environment.
'blnEnvType = False
'arrEnvType = Array("DEV", "QA", "PROD")
'If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("EnvType") Then
' For Each g_strEnvType In arrEnvType
' If UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named("EnvType")) = g_strEnvType Then
' Call WriteToLog("File environment marked as" & Chr(32) & EnvType(g_strEnvType) & ".")
' blnEnvType = True
' Exit For
' End If
' Next
'End If

' File environment must be detected to proceed.
'If Not blnEnvType Then
' Call WriteToLog("Error: File environment type not recognized or specified as an argument.")
' Call WriteToLog("Aborting installation script.")
' Main = 6
' Exit Function
'End If

' Windows 2008 requires reboot, so the script is allowed to run before 8 AM OR after 11 PM OR manually at any time of the day
If EnvType(g_strEnvType) = "Production" Then
If g_objFS.FileExists("C:\Windows\System32\ServerManagerCmd.exe") Then
Call WriteToLog("Windows 2008 and POS Ready 2009 require reboot to complete the AVDefUpdate")
If DatePart("h",Now()) > 8 Then
If DatePart("h",Now()) < 23 Then

Call WriteToLog("The script is not allowed to run during business hours ie 8 AM to 11 PM, checking if it is a manual install")
If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Now") Then
Call WriteToLog("Running the script manually to overcome the time restriction")
Call WriteToLog("Manual install switch is missing, exiting the script")
Main = 2
Exit Function
End If
End If
Call WriteToLog("The script is running on off-business hours")
End If
End If
End If

' Populate CSV file with Controller information.
blnController = True
blnRegister = True
Set g_objCSV = g_objFS.CreateTextFile(g_strCSVTemp, True)
g_objCSV.WriteLine(Chr(34) & g_strServerName & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & g_strServerName & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & g_strServerIPAddress & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & "False" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & "False" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & dNow & Chr(34))
Set g_objCSV = Nothing

If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Controller") Then
blnRegister = False
intSuccess = 0
End If

If blnRegister Then

' Scan for all Registers.
If Not WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Target") Then

' Populate dictionary with all detected Registers.
Call WriteToLog("Detecting available Registers on the local network.")
intGenerateRegisters = GenerateRegisterTable()

' Populate CSV file with Register information.
If intGenerateRegisters = 0 Then
Call WriteToLog("Register detection complete," & Chr(32) & g_objRegister.Count & Chr(32) & "Register(s) detected.")
Set g_objCSV = g_objFS.OpenTextFile(g_strCSVTemp, ForAppending, False)
For Each strRegister In g_objRegister
g_objCSV.WriteLine(Chr(34) & g_strServerName & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & strRegister & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & g_objRegister.Item(strRegister) & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & "False" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & "False" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) &_
Chr(34) & dNow & Chr(34))
Set g_objCSV = Nothing
Call WriteToLog("A problem occured during the detection process: No Registers detected.")
Call WriteToLog("Exiting installation script.")
Main = 10
Exit Function
End If

' Confirm RemoteWare service is configured properly before doing anything.
'intResult = RemoteWareService()
'If intResult <> 0 Then
'Call WriteToLog("Error:" & Chr(32) & Chr(34) & "RemoteWare Client" & Chr(34) & Chr(32) &_
' "service is not running as an administrator account.")
'Call WriteToLog("Please adjust the service properties before retrying.")
'Call WriteToLog("Exiting installation script.")
'Main = 5
'Exit Function
'End If

' Determine if specific Registers are targetted for the installation.
blnController = False
Dim strDeviceList, arrDevices, strDeviceName, strDeviceIP, dicTarget, strDeviceNB
Set dicTarget = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Call WriteToLog("Register Target switch specified, applying file to select Registers.")
strDeviceList = WScript.Arguments.Named("Target")
Call WriteToLog("Arguments:" & Chr(32) & strDeviceList)
strDeviceList = Replace(strDeviceList, Chr(32), "")
arrDevices = Split(strDeviceList, ",")

For Each strDeviceName In arrDevices
strDeviceIP = ConvertToIP(strDeviceName)
strDeviceNB = ResolveIPToHostName(strDeviceIP)
If UCase(strDeviceNB) <> UCase(g_strServerName) And strDeviceName <> "" And g_strServerIPAddress <> strDeviceIP Then
If strDeviceIP <> "Unknown" Then
If IsDuplicate(strDeviceIP, dicTarget) = 0 Then
Call WriteToLog("Adding device to valid target list:" & Chr(32) & strDeviceNB & Chr(32) & "(" & strDeviceIP & ").")
Call dicTarget.Add(strDeviceNB, strDeviceIP)
Call WriteToLog("Warning:" & Chr(32) & strDeviceName & Chr(32) & "already in target list, skipping duplicate value.")
End If
Call WriteToLog("Device" & Chr(32) & strDeviceName & Chr(32) &_
"not recognized on network, omitting from target list.")
End If
End If

If dicTarget.Count > 0 Then
Set g_objRegister = dicTarget
Call WriteToLog("No valid devices exist as targets, exiting script.")
Main = 7
Exit Function
End If

Set dicTarget = Nothing

End If

' Issue SFTP connectivity test to all Registers.
Call WriteToLog("Performing SFTP connectivity test to all detected Registers.")
Call WriteToLog("Killing any existing SFTP processes before proceeding.")
intResult = KillProcess("sftpg3.exe")
Call WriteToLog("Waiting for Registers to finish SFTP test.")
Set objSFTP = TestSFTP(g_objRegister)
intResult = KillProcess("sftpg3.exe")
Call WriteToLog("SFTP tests complete, proceeding.")

' Issue SSH connectivity test to all Registers.
' Call WriteToLog("Performing SSH connectivity test to all detected Registers.")
' Call WriteToLog("Killing any existing SSH processes before proceeding.")
' intResult = KillProcess("sshg3.exe")
' Call WriteToLog("Waiting for Registers to finish SSH test.")
' Set objSSH = TestSSH(g_objRegister)
' intResult = KillProcess("sshg3.exe")
' Call WriteToLog("SSH tests complete, proceeding.")

' Report the SFTP test results.
Call WriteToLog("Register SFTP test results:")
For Each strRegister in objSFTP
Call WriteToLog("SFTP test for Register" & Chr(32) & strRegister & Chr(32) & "(" & g_objRegister.Item(strRegister) & ")" & Chr(32) &_
"evaluated as" & Chr(32) & objSFTP.Item(strRegister) & ".")
' Call WriteToLog("SSH test for Register" & Chr(32) & strRegister & Chr(32) & "(" & g_objRegister.Item(strRegister) & ")" & Chr(32) &_
' "evaluated as" & Chr(32) & objSSH.Item(strRegister) & ".")

' Deliver the data.
Call WriteToLog("Delivering files to the Registers.")
Set objData = DeliverFiles(g_objRegister, objSFTP)
Call WriteToLog("Register file delivery results:")
intSuccess = 0
For Each strRegister in objData
Call WriteToLog("File delivery for Register" & Chr(32) & strRegister & Chr(32) & "(" & g_objRegister.Item(strRegister) & ")" & Chr(32) &_
"evaluated as" & Chr(32) & objData.Item(strRegister) & ".")
If objData.Item(strRegister) = "True" Then
Call UpdateCSV(g_objRegister.Item(strRegister), "True", "False")
intSuccess = intSuccess + 1
End If

' Confirm enough Registers received the data to proceed.
Call WriteToLog(intSuccess & Chr(32) & "of" & Chr(32) & g_objRegister.Count & Chr(32) & "Registers successfully received their files.")
intResult = intSuccess / g_objRegister.Count
Call WriteToLog(FormatPercent(intResult, 2) & Chr(32) & "of the Registers are ready for the installation.")
If blnController Then
Call WriteToLog("The current Register file delivery threshold is set to" & Chr(32) & FormatPercent(RegisterThreshold, 2) & Chr(32) & "minimum.")
If intResult >= RegisterThreshold Then
Call WriteToLog("Register file delivery threshold requirements met, proceeding.")
Call WriteToLog("Failed to meet Register file delivery threshold requirements, halting script.")
Main = 100
Exit Function
End If
End If

' Copy the file on qualified Registers.
Call WriteToLog("Performing file installation on all qualified Registers.")
Set objInstall = InstallSoftware(g_objRegister, objData)
Call WriteToLog("File installation Register results:")
intSuccess = 0
For Each strRegister in objInstall
Call WriteToLog("File installation on Register" & Chr(32) & strRegister & Chr(32) & "(" & g_objRegister.Item(strRegister) & ")" & Chr(32) &_
"evaluated as" & Chr(32) & objInstall.Item(strRegister) & ".")
If objInstall.Item(strRegister) = "True" Then
Call UpdateCSV(g_objRegister.Item(strRegister), "True", "True")
intSuccess = intSuccess + 1
End If
Call WriteToLog(intSuccess & Chr(32) & "of" & Chr(32) & g_objRegister.Count & Chr(32) & "Registers successfully installed the file.")
intResult = intSuccess / g_objRegister.Count
Call WriteToLog(FormatPercent(intResult, 2) & Chr(32) & "of the Registers are complete.")

End If

If Not blnRegister Then
Call WriteToLog("Controller switch specified, applying file to local POS Controller.")
Call WriteToLog("Warning: file installation will be skipped on all Registers.")
End If

' Install the file on Controller.
Call UpdateCSV(g_strServerIPAddress, "True", "False")
If blnController Then
Call WriteToLog("Performing file installation on Controller" & Chr(32) & g_strServerName & ".")
strCommand = "%ComSpec% /c copy /y c:\AVDefUpdate\currentDef\*.jdb \\" & chr(34) & Dev & "\c$\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\inbox" & Chr(34) &_
Chr(32) & g_strEnvType & ") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"
'strCommand = "%ComSpec% /v:eek:n /c (start /wait /min" & Chr(32) & Chr(34) & g_strCurrentPath & Chr(92) & "ContPass" & Chr(92) & "TriversityControllerInstall.cmd" & Chr(34) &_
'Chr(32) & g_strEnvType & ") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"
'strCommand = "%ComSpec% /v:eek:n /c (" & Chr(34) & g_strCurrentPath & Chr(92) & "ContPass" & Chr(92) & "TriversityControllerInstall.cmd" & Chr(34) &_
'Chr(32) & g_strEnvType & ") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"

Set objResult = g_objShell.Exec(strCommand)
strThen = Now
intTimeOut = 20 'Time-out threshold in minutes.
strNow = Now
intTimer = DateDiff("n", strThen, strNow)
Loop Until objResult.Status = 1 Or intTimer > intTimeOut

' Process results of file installation on Controller.
If objResult.ExitCode = SuccessCode Then
Call WriteToLog("File installation on Controller" & Chr(32) & g_strServerName & Chr(32) &_
"(" & g_strServerIPAddress & ") evaluated as True.")
Call UpdateCSV(g_strServerIPAddress, "True", "True")
intSuccess = intSuccess + 1
If intTimer > intTimeOut Then
Call WriteToLog("Warning: File installation on Controller" & Chr(32) & g_strServerName & Chr(32) &_
"(" & g_strServerIPAddress & ") exceeded the" & Chr(32) & intTimeOut & Chr(32) & "minute time-out threshold.")
End If
Call WriteToLog("File installation on Controller" & Chr(32) & g_strServerName & Chr(32) &_
"(" & g_strServerIPAddress & ") evaluated as False.")
Call UpdateCSV(g_strServerIPAddress, "True", "False")
End If
Call WriteToLog("Skipping Controller file installation.")
End If

' Report summary of the results.
If blnController and blnRegister Then
intResult = FormatPercent(intSuccess / (g_objRegister.Count + 1), 2)
Call WriteToLog("Summary:" & Chr(32) & intSuccess & Chr(32) & "of" & Chr(32) & (g_objRegister.Count + 1) & Chr(32) &_
"POS devices successful =" & Chr(32) & intResult)
End If
Call WriteToLog("End of the AVDef File Update on the Triversity Controller and Registers.")

' Primary instructions finished.
Main = 0

End Function

' Function: Create an array of Registers based on the current ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table. Return code 0 indicates at least one Register detected.
Function GenerateRegisterTable()

On Error Resume Next

GenerateRegisterTable = 999

Dim objARPStatus, arrOutput, strOutput, intCount, strDivision, intDynamic, intGRT

intCount = 0

Dim strIPsubnet, strIPrange

strIPrange = 1

strIPsubnet = RegExGetBRef(g_strServerIPAddress, "^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\.\d{1,3}$", 1, True)

g_objShell.Run "%comspec% /c ping -n 3 " & strIPsubnet & "." & strIPrange, 0, False
strIPrange = strIPrange + 1
Loop Until strIPrange = 61


Set objARPStatus = g_objShell.Exec("%ComSpec% /c arp -a")

Loop Until objARPStatus.Status = 1

strOutput = CStr(LTrim(objARPStatus.StdOut.ReadLine))

' English or French may appear in output, must consider both.
intDynamic = InStr(strOutput, "dynamic") + InStr(strOutput, "dynamique")

If intDynamic > 0 Then

Dim arrCurrentIP, strCurrentIP, strCurrentHostName, intRegNum
arrOutput = Split(strOutput, " ")
arrCurrentIP = Split(arrOutput(0),".")
strCurrentIP = arrOutput(0)
strCurrentHostName = ResolveIPToHostName(strCurrentIP)
intRegNum = RegExGetBRef(strCurrentHostName, "^([a-z]{3,4})\d{3,4}(\d{2})$", 2, True)
If UCase(Left(g_strServerName, 7)) = UCase(Left(strCurrentHostName, 7)) Then
If strCurrentHostName <> "Unknown" And PingStatus(strCurrentIP) = 0 And intRegNum <> "" And intRegNum <> "00" Then
If Right(strCurrentHostName, 2) <> "99" Then
Call g_objRegister.Add(strCurrentHostName, strCurrentIP)
intCount = intCount + 1
ElseIf Right(strCurrentHostName, 2) = "99" Then
g_strBPS = strCurrentIP
Call g_objRegister.Add(strCurrentHostName, strCurrentIP)
End If
End If
End If
End If

Loop Until objARPStatus.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

Set objARPStatus = Nothing

' Confirm at least one Register detected.
If intCount > 0 Then
intGRT = 0
'Otherwise flag a problem.
intGRT = 1
End If

GenerateRegisterTable = intGRT

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Function: Resolve IP address to the NetBIOS hostname. Return value is the NetBIOS hostname.
Function ResolveIPToHostName(strIPAddressToResolve)

On Error Resume Next

strResolveIPToHostName = "Unknown"

Dim objNBStatus, strOutput, strPattern, intHostName, intRegNum, strResolveIPToHostName

strPattern = "<00> UNIQUE"
Set objNBStatus = g_objShell.Exec("nbtstat -A" & Chr(32) & strIPAddressToResolve)

Loop Until objNBStatus.Status = 1

strOutput = objNBStatus.StdOut.ReadLine
intHostName = InStr(strOutput, strPattern)
If intHostName > 0 Then
Dim arrCurrentLine
arrCurrentLine = Split(LTrim(strOutput), " ")
If Instr(arrCurrentLine, "IS~") = 0 And Instr(arrCurrentLine, "..") = 0 Then
strResolveIPToHostName = Replace(Replace(Replace(arrCurrentLine(0),"IS~",""),".",""),"<00>","")
End If
End If
Loop Until objNBStatus.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

Set objNBStatus = Nothing

ResolveIPToHostName = strResolveIPToHostName

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function RegExGetBRef(strString, strPattern, intBRef, blnIgnoreCase)
' Provide a single-line interface to use RegExp to parse a string and return a single
' backreference. intBRef is a Base-1 index (1 for the first capture, 2 for second, etc).
' If the pattern is not matched at all, or if an invalid value is passed for intBRef,
' the function will return an empty string.
' The RegExp search is always performed with Global mode set to false. This is for simple
' captures only.
' Ex: RegExGetBRef("Hello, There!", "(.*),\s*([^,]+)$", 1, True) returns "Hello", and
' RegExGetBRef("Hello, There!", "(.*),\s*([^,]+)$", 2, True) returns "There!"

RegExGetBRef = ""

Dim objRegExp
Dim colMatches, objMatch

Set objRegExp = New RegExp

objRegExp.Pattern = strPattern
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = blnIgnoreCase
objRegExp.Global = False
objRegExp.MultiLine = True

Set colMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strString)

For Each objMatch In colMatches
If ((intBRef > 0) And (intBRef <= objMatch.SubMatches.Count)) Then
RegExGetBRef = objMatch.SubMatches(intBRef - 1)
End If

End Function

' Function: Confirm device is communicating by pinging it. Return code 0 means device is alive.
Function PingStatus(strDeviceToPing)

PingStatus = 9999

Dim objPingStatus
Dim strLine, intCount

Set objPingStatus = g_objShell.Exec("%ComSpec% /c ping" & Chr(32) & strDeviceToPing)
intCount = 0

Loop Until objPingStatus.Status = 1

strLine = objPingStatus.StdOut.ReadLine
' English or French may appear in output, must consider both.
If InStr(strLine, "Reply from") > 0 Or InStr(strLine, "ponse de") > 0 Then
intCount = intCount + 1
End If
Loop Until objPingStatus.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

' Two or more responses flag a successful ping.
If intCount >= 2 Then
PingStatus = 0
End If

Set objPingStatus = Nothing

End Function

' Function: Return output from a command.
Function GetOutput(strCommand)

On Error Resume Next
Dim objFSO, WshShell, objTempFile, strTempFile, strOutput

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strTempFile = objFSO.GetTempName
WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c """ & strCommand & " > " & strTempFile & """", 7, True

If (Not objFSO.FileExists(strTempFile)) Then
GetOutput = ""
strOutput = ""
Set objTempFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTempFile, 1)

If (Not Err.Number) Then
Do While (Not objTempFile.AtEndOfStream)
strOutput = strOutput & objTempFile.ReadAll
End If

GetOutput = strOutput
End If

objFSO.DeleteFile strTempFile, True
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing

End Function

' Function: Return Register alias from local hosts file based on IP address lookup.
Function GetRegisterAlias(strIP)
' Search g_strHosts for a line which beings with strIP, and return the first alias defined on that line
' If no line found, return the empty string.

GetRegisterAlias = ""

Dim strLineIP
Dim strLine

For Each strLine In Split(g_strHosts, vbCrLf)
strLineIP = RegExGetBRef(strLine, "^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)", 1, True)
If (strLineIP = strIP) Then
GetRegisterAlias = RegExGetBRef(strLine, "(reg\d{2})(?:$|\s)", 1, True)
Exit For
End If
End Function

' Function: Review status of all running jobs. Return code 0 indicates all jobs have finished.
Function ExecDone(arrResult)

On Error Resume Next

ExecDone = 999

Dim intResult, intTotal, intSum

intSum = 0
intTotal = UBound(arrResult) + 1

' The pending status previously populated should change to the actual return code or a forced error code.
For Each intResult In arrResult
If intResult <> PendingCode Then
intSum = intSum + 1
End If

If intSum = intTotal Then
ExecDone = 0
ExecDone = 1
End If

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Function: Return exact date and time to append to log file name. Return the date suffix.
Function DateSuffix

Dim strHour, strMinute, strSecond, strNow, strMonth, strDay, strYear

strNow = Now()

strHour = TwoDigit(DatePart("h", strNow))
strMinute = TwoDigit(DatePart("n", strNow))
strSecond = TwoDigit(DatePart("s", strNow))
strMonth = TwoDigit(DatePart("m", strNow))
strDay = TwoDigit(DatePart("d", strNow))
strYear = DatePart("yyyy", strNow)

'DateSuffix = strMonth & strDay & strYear & "-" & strHour & strMinute & strSecond
DateSuffix = strMonth & strDay & strYear

End Function

' Function: Ensure single-character numbers appear in two-digit format. Return the two-digit number.
Function TwoDigit(intNumber)

TwoDigit = CStr(intNumber)

If intNumber >= 0 And intNumber < 10 Then
TwoDigit = "0" & TwoDigit
End If

End Function

' Subroutine: Write information to the log file.
Sub WriteToLog(strTextIn)

Dim objLogFile
Set objLogFile = g_objFS.OpenTextFile(g_strLogFile, ForAppending, True)
objLogFile.WriteLine(CurrentTimeStamp & strTextIn & vbCrLf)
Set objLogFile = Nothing

If TypeName(strTextIn) = "String" Then
WScript.Echo VbCrLf & strTextIn & VbCrLf
End If

End Sub

' Function: Return current date and time in a fixed format.
Function CurrentTimeStamp

Dim strMonth, strDay, strYear, strNow, strHour, strMinute, strSecond
CurrentTimeStamp = "Unknown"

strNow = Now()
strMonth = TwoDigit(DatePart("m", strNow))
strDay = TwoDigit(DatePart("d", strNow))
strYear = DatePart("yyyy", strNow)
strHour = TwoDigit(DatePart("h", strNow))
strMinute = TwoDigit(DatePart("n", strNow))
strSecond = TwoDigit(DatePart("s", strNow))

CurrentTimeStamp = strMonth & Chr(47) & strDay & Chr(47) & strYear & Chr(32) &_
strHour & Chr(58) & strMinute & Chr(58) & strSecond & Chr(32) &_
"--" & Chr(32)

End Function

' Function: Query "RemoteWare Client" service for proper service log on configuration. Return code 0 indicates expected configuration.
'Function RemoteWareService()

' On Error Resume Next

'Dim objWMIService, colListOfServices, objService, strServiceName, intRemoteWareService

'RemoteWareService = 999
'intRemoteWareService = 999

'strServiceName = "RemoteWare Client"

'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
'Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='" & strServiceName & "'")

'intRemoteWareService = 1
'For Each objService In colListOfServices
' If Instr(LCase(objService.StartName), LCase("Cambridge")) > 0 Then
' intRemoteWareService = 0
' End If

'RemoteWareService = intRemoteWareService

'On Error GoTo 0

'End Function

' Function: Acquire active IP address of local device. Return value is the IP address discovered.
Function GetIPAddress(strComputerName)

On Error Resume Next

GetIPAddress = "Unable to determine IP."

Dim strOutput, strLine, arrOutput, arrLine, strValue, strIPAddress

strOutput = GetOutput("arp -a")
arrOutput = Split(strOutput, vbCrLf)
strIPAddress = ""

For Each strLine In arrOutput
If Instr(LCase(strLine), LCase("Interface")) > 0 Then
arrLine = Split(strLine, Chr(32))
For Each strValue In arrLine
If IsNumeric(Left(strValue,1)) And Not Instr(strValue, "x") > 0 Then
strIPAddress = strValue
Exit For
End If
End If

GetIPAddress = strIPAddress

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Function: Confirm the SFTP connection to a device. Return a dictionary object with the results.
Function TestSFTP(arrDevice)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objExec, objBatchFile, dicResult
Dim intTimeOut, intTimer, intDone, intIndex, intResult
Dim strExec, strBatchFile, strNow, strThen, strDevice, strAlias
Dim arrExec, arrResult

Set dicResult = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set TestSFTP = dicResult

' Dimension arrays.
ReDim arrExec(arrDevice.Count - 1)
ReDim arrResult(arrDevice.Count - 1)

' Populate status array with pending result code.
intIndex = 0
arrResult(intIndex) = PendingCode
intIndex = intIndex + 1
Loop Until intIndex > UBound(arrResult)

' Initiate the SFTP test connection.
intIndex = 0

For Each strDevice In arrDevice

strAlias = GetRegisterAlias(arrDevice.Item(strDevice))

If strAlias = "" Then
strAlias = arrDevice.Item(strDevice)
End If

strBatchFile = g_strCurrentPath & Chr(92) & g_objFS.GetTempName()
Francis Street, Boston, MA
Set objBatchFile = g_objFS.CreateTextFile(strBatchFile, True)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
objBatchFile.WriteLine("open Cambridge@" & strAlias)
strExec = "%ComSpec% /v:eek:n /c (start /wait /min sftpg3.exe -B" & Chr(32) & Chr(34) & strBatchFile & Chr(34) &_
") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"
Set arrExec(intIndex) = g_objShell.Exec(strExec)
arrResult(intIndex) = 999
End If

intIndex = intIndex + 1


' Wait for all Registers to finish SFTP test or time-out.
intDone = 1
intTimeOut = 5 'Time-out threshold in minutes.
strThen = Now
intIndex = 0
For Each objExec In arrExec
If arrResult(intIndex) <> 999 Then
If objExec.Status = 1 Then
arrResult(intIndex) = objExec.ExitCode
End If
End If
intIndex = intIndex + 1
strNow = Now
intTimer = DateDiff("n", strThen, strNow)
intDone = ExecDone(arrResult)
Loop Until intDone = 0 Or intTimer > intTimeOut

' Populate dictionary with SFTP test results.
intIndex = 0
For Each strDevice In arrDevice
If arrResult(intIndex) = 0 Then
Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "True")
Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "False")
End If
intIndex = intIndex + 1

' Return the dictionary object.
Set TestSFTP = dicResult

' Temporary file clean-up.
Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strCurrentPath & Chr(92) & "*.tmp")
Set dicResult = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Function: Confirm the SSH connection to a device. Return a dictionary object with the results.
'Function TestSSH(arrDevice)

' On Error Resume Next

' Dim objExec, objBatchFile, dicResult
' Dim intTimeOut, intTimer, intDone, intIndex, intResult
'Dim strExec, strBatchFile, strNow, strThen, strDevice, strAlias
'Dim arrExec, arrResult

'Set dicResult = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Set TestSSH = dicResult

' Dimension arrays.
'ReDim arrExec(arrDevice.Count - 1)
' ReDim arrResult(arrDevice.Count - 1)

' Populate status array with pending result code.
'intIndex = 0
' arrResult(intIndex) = PendingCode
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Loop Until intIndex > UBound(arrResult)

' Initiate the SSH test connection.
' intIndex = 0
' For Each strDevice In arrDevice

'strAlias = GetRegisterAlias(arrDevice.Item(strDevice))
'If strAlias = "" Then
' strAlias = arrDevice.Item(strDevice)
' End If

' strExec = "cmd /v:eek:n /c (start /wait /min sshg3.exe -B cambridge@" & strAlias & Chr(32) &_
' "ipconfig) & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"

' Set arrExec(intIndex) = g_objShell.Exec(strExec)

' intIndex = intIndex + 1
' WScript.Sleep(1000)

' Next

' Wait for all Registers to finish SSH test or time-out.
' intDone = 1
'intTimeOut = 5 'Time-out threshold in minutes.
' strThen = Now
' Do
' intIndex = 0
' WScript.Sleep(1000)
' For Each objExec In arrExec
' If objExec.Status = 1 Then
' arrResult(intIndex) = objExec.ExitCode
' End If
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Next
'strNow = Now
' intTimer = DateDiff("n", strThen, strNow)
' intDone = ExecDone(arrResult)
' Loop Until intDone = 0 Or intTimer > intTimeOut

' Populate dictionary with SSH test results.
' intIndex = 0
' For Each strDevice In arrDevice
' If arrResult(intIndex) = 0 Then
' Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "True")
' Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "False")
'End If
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Next

' Return the dictionary object.
'Set TestSSH = dicResult

' Temporary file clean-up.
' Set dicResult = Nothing

' On Error GoTo 0

'End Function

' Function: Install file over SSH or Psexec. Return a dictionary object with the results (T or F).
'Function Installfile(arrDevice, objSSH, objData)

' On Error Resume Next

' Dim objExec, objBatchFile, dicResult
' Dim intTimeOut, intTimer, intDone, intIndex, intResult
'Dim strExec, strBatchFile, strNow, strThen, strDevice, strAlias, strSFTP
'Dim arrExec, arrResult, arrRetry

'Set dicResult = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Set Installfile = dicResult

' Dimension arrays.
'ReDim arrExec(arrDevice.Count - 1)
'ReDim arrResult(arrDevice.Count - 1)
'ReDim arrRetry(arrDevice.Count - 1)

' Populate status array with pending result code.
'intIndex = 0
' arrResult(intIndex) = PendingCode
' arrRetry(intIndex) = "False"
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
'Loop Until intIndex > UBound(arrResult)

'strBatchFile = "C:\" & g_strWinDir & "\Temp\RegPass\TriversityRegisterInstall.cmd" & Chr(32) & g_strEnvType

' Install the file.
'intIndex = 0
'For Each strDevice In arrDevice

' If objSSH.Item(strDevice) = "True" And objData.Item(strDevice) = "True" Then
' strAlias = GetRegisterAlias(arrDevice.Item(strDevice))
' If strAlias = "" Then
' strAlias = arrDevice.Item(strDevice)
' End If
' strExec = "cmd /v:eek:n /c (start /wait /min sshg3.exe -B cambridge@" & strAlias & Chr(32) &_
' strBatchFile & ") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"
' Set arrExec(intIndex) = g_objShell.Exec(strExec)
'ElseIf objData.Item(strDevice) = "True" Then
' strExec = "cmd /v:eek:n /c (start /wait /min" & Chr(32) & g_strUtils & "\psexec.exe" & Chr(32) & "\\" & arrDevice.Item(strDevice) &_
' Chr(32) & strBatchFile & ") & exit !errorlevel!" & Chr(32) & "> nul 2>&1"
' Set arrExec(intIndex) = g_objShell.Exec(strExec)
' arrResult(intIndex) = 888
'End If

'intIndex = intIndex + 1


' Wait for all Registers to finish file installation or time-out.
'intDone = 1
'intTimeOut = 15 'Time-out threshold in minutes.
'strThen = Now
' intIndex = 0
' WScript.Sleep(1000)
' For Each objExec In arrExec
' If objExec.Status = 1 And arrResult(intIndex) <> 888 Then
' arrResult(intIndex) = objExec.ExitCode
' End If
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
'strNow = Now
'intTimer = DateDiff("n", strThen, strNow)
'intDone = ExecDone(arrResult)
'Loop Until intDone = 0 Or intTimer > intTimeOut

' Populate dictionary with file installation results.
'intIndex = 0
'For Each strDevice In arrDevice

' If intTimer > intTimeOut And arrResult(intIndex) = PendingCode Then
' Call WriteToLog("Warning: " & NameLookup(intIndex) & Chr(32) & "run time exceeded the" & Chr(32) &_
' intTimeOut & Chr(32) & "minute time-out threshold.")
' End If

' If arrResult(intIndex) = SuccessCode Then
' Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "True")
' Call dicResult.Add(strDevice, "False")
'End If
'intIndex = intIndex + 1


' Return the dictionary object.
' Set Installfile = dicResult

' Temporary file clean-up.
' Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strCurrentPath & Chr(92) & "*.tmp", True)
' Set dicResult = Nothing

' On Error GoTo 0

'End Function

' Function: Terminate a process. Return code 0 indicates success.
Function KillProcess(strProcessName)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objWMIConnect, colProcess, objProcess, objLoc, intProcess, strCommand, blnFound, intCommand, intSuccess
KillProcess = 99

Set objLoc = CreateObject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator")
objLoc.Security_.privileges.addasstring "sedebugprivilege", True
Set objWMIConnect = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIConnect.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")

blnFound = False
intSuccess = 0
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If Instr(LCase(strProcessName), LCase(objProcess.Caption)) > 0 Or Instr(LCase(strProcessName), LCase(objProcess.Description)) > 0 Or Instr(LCase(strProcessName), LCase(objProcess.Name)) > 0 Then
strCommand = g_strUtils & Chr(92) & "pskill.exe" & Chr(32) & strProcessName
blnFound = True
intCommand = g_objShell.Run(strCommand, MinWindow, True)
If intCommand = 0 Then
intSuccess = intSuccess + 1
End If
End If

If blnFound = True And intSuccess > 0 Then
intProcess = 0
ElseIf blnFound = True And intSuccess = 0 Then
intProcess = 10
intProcess = 20
End If

Set colProcess = Nothing
Set objWMIConnect = Nothing

KillProcess = intProcess

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Look up value in Register Name dictionary by its ordinal position. Return value is the Register IP address.
Function RegisterLookup(intIndex)

Dim intBase, strRegister
RegisterLookup = "Unknown"
intBase = 0

For Each strRegister In g_objRegister
If intBase = intIndex Then
RegisterLookup = g_objRegister.Item(strRegister)
Exit Function
End If
intBase = intBase + 1

End Function

' Look up value in Register SFTP Test dictionary by its ordinal position. Return value is SFTP test result.
Function SFTPLookup(objSFTP, intIndex)

Dim intBase, strRegister
SFTPLookup = "Unknown"
intBase = 0

For Each strRegister In objSFTP
If intBase = intIndex Then
SFTPLookup = objSFTP.Item(strRegister)
Exit Function
End If
intBase = intBase + 1

End Function

' Subroutine: Update the results CSV file for a given device.
Sub UpdateCSV(strDevice, strData, strInstall)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objCurrentFile, objNewFile
Dim strLine, strFile, strColumn, strText
Dim arrFile, arrRow
Dim intCount, strItem, strLookup

Set objCurrentFile = g_objFS.OpenTextFile(g_strCSVTemp, ForReading)
strFile = objCurrentFile.ReadAll
Set objCurrentFile = Nothing

Set objNewFile = g_objFS.CreateTextFile(g_strCSV & ".Update", True)

strLookup = strDevice

If strLookup <> g_strServerIPAddress Then
For Each strItem In g_objRegister
If g_objRegister.Item(strItem) = strLookup Then
strLookup = strItem
Exit For
End If
End If

arrFile = Split(strFile, vbCrLF)
For Each strLine In arrFile
If Instr(strLine, strLookup) > 0 Then
arrRow = Split(strLine, Chr(44))
arrRow(3) = strData
arrRow(4) = strInstall
For intCount = 0 To UBound(arrRow) Step 1
strText = Replace(arrRow(intCount), Chr(34), "")
If intCount = UBound(arrRow) Then
objNewFile.WriteLine(Chr(34) & strText & Chr(34))
objNewFile.Write(Chr(34) & strText & Chr(34) & Chr(44))
End If
ElseIf Len(strLine) > 0 Then
End If

Set objNewFile = Nothing

Call g_objFS.CopyFile(g_strCSV & ".Update", g_strCSVTemp, True)
Call g_objFS.DeleteFile(g_strCSV & ".Update", True)

On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

' Look up value in Register Name dictionary by its ordinal position. Return value is the Register computer name.
Function NameLookup(intIndex)

Dim intBase, strRegister
NameLookup = "Unknown"
intBase = 0

For Each strRegister In g_objRegister
If intBase = intIndex Then
NameLookup = strRegister
Exit Function
End If
intBase = intBase + 1

End Function

' Function: Test WMI connection to a device. Return 0 for success, 1 otherwise.
Function TestWMI(strDevice)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objWMIService, intTestWMI

TestWMI = 999

' Test WMI connection, exit with 1 if unable to connect.
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strDevice & "\root\cimv2")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
intTestWMI = 0
intTestWMI = 1
End If

' Exit with 0 if able to establish connection.
TestWMI = intTestWMI
Set objWMIService = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

' Determine environment type: Development vs. QA. vs. Production. Return value is the environment type.
Function EnvType(strEnvType)

Dim strEnvFull

Select Case strEnvType

Case "DEV"
strEnvFull = "Development"

Case "QA"
strEnvFull = "QA"

Case "PROD"
strEnvFull = "Production"

Case Else
strEnvFull = "Unknown"

End Select

EnvType = strEnvFull

End Function

' Function: Resolve address Host Name to an IP address.
Function ConvertToIP(strDevice)

ConvertToIP = "Unknown"

Dim objPingStatus, objShell, strLine, arrLine, strIPAddress, blnAlias

' Issue ping from the command prompt.
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objPingStatus = objShell.Exec("%ComSpec% /c ping" & Chr(32) & strDevice)
blnAlias = False

' Wait for command shell to finish.
Loop Until objPingStatus.Status = 1

' Test for a live device.
strLine = objPingStatus.StdOut.ReadLine
If InStr(strLine, "Reply from") > 0 Or InStr(strLine, "ponse de") > 0 Then
blnAlias = True
arrLine = Split(strLine,Chr(32))
strIPAddress = Replace(arrLine(2),":","")
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until objPingStatus.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

Set objShell = Nothing
Set objPingStatus = Nothing

' Return IP address of device.
If blnAlias = True Then
ConvertToIP = strIPAddress
End If

End Function

' Make sure duplicate Registers do not exist when using the Target feature. Return 0 for no duplicate, 1 for duplicate.
Function IsDuplicate(strDevice, objDeviceList)

Dim strItem

IsDuplicate = 0

If objDeviceList.Count = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If

For Each strItem In objDeviceList
If strDevice = objDeviceList.Item(strItem) Then
IsDuplicate = 1
End If

End Function

' Create a virtual Register hosts file based on the detected Registers. The hosts file with IP / alias is returned.
Function CreateVirtualHosts()

On Error Resume Next

CreateVirtualHosts = "Unknown"

Dim strVirtualHosts, strRegister, strRegNum, strIP

' Append to hosts file.
For Each strRegister In g_objRegister
strIP = g_objRegister.Item(strRegister)
strRegNum = Right(strRegister, 2)
If strRegNum = "79" And Right(strIP, 2) = ".1" Then
strRegNum = "01"
End If
strVirtualHosts = strVirtualHosts & strIP & vbTab & "reg" & strRegNum & vbCrLf

CreateVirtualHosts = strVirtualHosts

On Error GoTo 0

End Function


'04/03/2013 13:35:05 -- Start of the AVDef File on the Triversity Controller and Registers.

04/03/2013 13:35:05 -- Target system is "TJW090000", IP address:

04/03/2013 13:35:05 -- Detecting available Registers on the local network.

04/03/2013 13:37:36 -- Register detection complete, 1 Register(s) detected.

04/03/2013 13:37:36 -- Performing SFTP connectivity test to all detected Registers.

04/03/2013 13:37:36 -- Killing any existing SFTP processes before proceeding.

04/03/2013 13:37:36 -- Waiting for Registers to finish SFTP test.

04/03/2013 13:37:39 -- SFTP tests complete, proceeding.

04/03/2013 13:37:39 -- Register SFTP test results:

04/03/2013 13:37:39 -- SFTP test for Register TJW090001 ( evaluated as True.

04/03/2013 13:37:39 -- Delivering files to the Registers.

Set objData = DeliverFiles(g_objRegister, objSFTP)

1. DeliverFiles() is not defined
2. Remove "On Error Resume Next" so you can see actual error messages
Not open for further replies.

Part and Inventory Search

