I have this bit of code which keeps giving me errors, I have tried all syntax or this I have and currently have the error An expression of non-Boolean type specified in a contect where a condition is expected near order.
select * from [148-vwPacksSoldbyGroup p3] with (nolock) where 'DateRequired between %Date Range% and %Enter Date To%' order by DateRequired desc
Basically I am trying to get this to run and ask for 2 dates to be entered by the person so it list all rows found between the two dates.
Any idesa please
I have this bit of code which keeps giving me errors, I have tried all syntax or this I have and currently have the error An expression of non-Boolean type specified in a contect where a condition is expected near order.
select * from [148-vwPacksSoldbyGroup p3] with (nolock) where 'DateRequired between %Date Range% and %Enter Date To%' order by DateRequired desc
Basically I am trying to get this to run and ask for 2 dates to be entered by the person so it list all rows found between the two dates.
Any idesa please