I have a report developed that has 4 entities in a group with group totals. I need to combine 2 of those entities into a subtotal.
EX: These are all in ONE of 3 Groups on the report...
Entity1 -
abc 10 This is at Group 3 Level
def 10
Entity1TTL 20
Entity 2
ghi 10
jkl 10
Entity2TTL 20
Entity 3
mno 10
pqr 10
Entity3TTL 20
Entity 4
stu 10
vwx 10
Entity4TTL 20
Entities 3& 4 Subtotal 40
Group Total 80
I am NOT good with variables at all and would need some help, but is there a way to declare a variable that would total those two entities for the subtotal? Or, should I use running totals?
Can you help me?
I have a report developed that has 4 entities in a group with group totals. I need to combine 2 of those entities into a subtotal.
EX: These are all in ONE of 3 Groups on the report...
Entity1 -
abc 10 This is at Group 3 Level
def 10
Entity1TTL 20
Entity 2
ghi 10
jkl 10
Entity2TTL 20
Entity 3
mno 10
pqr 10
Entity3TTL 20
Entity 4
stu 10
vwx 10
Entity4TTL 20
Entities 3& 4 Subtotal 40
Group Total 80
I am NOT good with variables at all and would need some help, but is there a way to declare a variable that would total those two entities for the subtotal? Or, should I use running totals?
Can you help me?