I have this one Table with information about Calls_Completed and Call_Duration. Each row in the Calls_Completed Column counts as 1 call, so i used a count statement to count each row for that and it works, but my problem is trying to count Call_Duration. In this column each unsuccessful call is equal to 0, so I setup a statement that queries all the Call_Duration that are not 0. The problem with this is that all the calls that has failed will not query. Let me show you.
Date Location TotalTime Duration
4/21/2005 USA 11 1
4/21/2005 Canada 12 0
4/21/2005 USA 3 5
Each row counts as a call, and each call in Duration that is not equal to 0 is consider a successful call.
So, USA has 2 Total Calls and 2 Completed Calls while Canada has 1 Completed Call and 0 Completed call.
I want it to show up like this in my query
Date Location Total_Calls Call_Completed
4/21/2005 USA 2 2
4/21/2005 Canada 1 0
Any idea how to do this? I tried using a count(*) statement and i ended up with this
Date Location Total_Calls Call_Completed
4/21/2005 USA 2 2
I used count only if calls does not = 0, which completed ignored Canada because it has a 0.
Date Location TotalTime Duration
4/21/2005 USA 11 1
4/21/2005 Canada 12 0
4/21/2005 USA 3 5
Each row counts as a call, and each call in Duration that is not equal to 0 is consider a successful call.
So, USA has 2 Total Calls and 2 Completed Calls while Canada has 1 Completed Call and 0 Completed call.
I want it to show up like this in my query
Date Location Total_Calls Call_Completed
4/21/2005 USA 2 2
4/21/2005 Canada 1 0
Any idea how to do this? I tried using a count(*) statement and i ended up with this
Date Location Total_Calls Call_Completed
4/21/2005 USA 2 2
I used count only if calls does not = 0, which completed ignored Canada because it has a 0.