You can use ActiveX and other fancy stuff to do it:<br>
Add a reference to the Microsoft Excel object library using the references window<br>
You can then control excel from your application by means of objects. So a function to load a worksheet called C:\sheet.xls and set the value of cell C5 to "hello" would be something like this<br>
Sub Test()<br>
dim objXLApp as new Excel.Application<br>
dim objXLWorkbook as Excel.Workbook<br>
dim objXLSheet as Excel.Sheet<br>
set objXLWorkbook = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\sheet.xls"<br>
set objXLSheet = objXLWorkbook.Worksheets(0)<br>
objXLSheet.Cells("C5" = "hello"<br>
objXLApp.Visible = true<br>
'when you load excel by creating a new object for it, it is not visible by default<br>
end sub<br>
All the Excel object will appear in the object browser. Basically, anything you can do with the mouse in excel, you can do from your code.<br>
Hope this helps<br>
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