Hi all, sorry about the length of this post, but since the 2 go hand in hand
Ive got a USERS folder on my bdc. The security setting is Administrator (Full Control) and Domain Users (Change Control). The sharing is Administrators (Full Control) and Domain Users (Read Control) for the root, say E:\Users, then each user has a folder created by Domain User Mgr when their account is created. I've set up the security and sharing to prevent users placing files in the root. So here are my problems:<br>
1. Ive cleaned out the root but cannot delete one of the files, lets call it Sue.ppt. When I try to del the file, it gives me this error message: 'Error deleting file, cannot delete sue.ppt. Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full/write protected'. Ive checked and it is neither. Im logged in as administrator, so I tried taking ownership which was successful, but still couldnt del the file. I kicked everyone off using the server service in case someone had it as a wallpaper, still no success. Any ideas ?<br>
2. Id prefer that when each user logged on, they could only see their folder. At the moment, at logon, the user is connected to the USERS folder, say X:. They have to then select their specific folder when saving a file or browsing via windows explorer, say X:\GSMITH. Id like them to only see their own folder rather than everyone else's. Although they cant access anyone else's, it can be confusing for some newbies.<br>
All help greatly appreciated
<p> <br><a href=mailto:msedbbw@hotmail.com>msedbbw@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Working towards MCSE and looking for work overseas 
Ive got a USERS folder on my bdc. The security setting is Administrator (Full Control) and Domain Users (Change Control). The sharing is Administrators (Full Control) and Domain Users (Read Control) for the root, say E:\Users, then each user has a folder created by Domain User Mgr when their account is created. I've set up the security and sharing to prevent users placing files in the root. So here are my problems:<br>
1. Ive cleaned out the root but cannot delete one of the files, lets call it Sue.ppt. When I try to del the file, it gives me this error message: 'Error deleting file, cannot delete sue.ppt. Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full/write protected'. Ive checked and it is neither. Im logged in as administrator, so I tried taking ownership which was successful, but still couldnt del the file. I kicked everyone off using the server service in case someone had it as a wallpaper, still no success. Any ideas ?<br>
2. Id prefer that when each user logged on, they could only see their folder. At the moment, at logon, the user is connected to the USERS folder, say X:. They have to then select their specific folder when saving a file or browsing via windows explorer, say X:\GSMITH. Id like them to only see their own folder rather than everyone else's. Although they cant access anyone else's, it can be confusing for some newbies.<br>
All help greatly appreciated