I have the following query which retrives the total and percentages of access users had on my site (restricted).
The above works well!
Now i would like to add the latest IP used per user and the lastest date the user accessed the site!
How can i implement this with out sending the whole query haywire?
I have the following query which retrives the total and percentages of access users had on my site (restricted).
SELECT concat(U.surname, ' ', U.name) as UNAME, C.name as CNAME,
count(S.ID) as Total,
((count(S.ID) / (select count(ID) from usr_session_log) )* 100 ) as PERC
FROM `usr_session_log` S
left outer join usr_users U on U.ID = S.user_id
left outer join usr_company C ON C.ID = U.company
group by UNAME, LDATE
Order by PERC DESC
The above works well!
Now i would like to add the latest IP used per user and the lastest date the user accessed the site!
How can i implement this with out sending the whole query haywire?