I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with query issue.
Here is my query.
Format(60000+700*(([WindTime]-[NewTimeToSpill])*[GHD PDWF]),"$0"),"0") AS BladderSize, 30+(DLookUp("[WindTime]","[Locations]","Location='" & [Location] & "'")) AS WindTime, [Pump Stations].Location, [BladderSize]-[Budget for Store] AS Expr1
FROM [Pump Stations]
WHERE ((([Pump Stations].[Not Assesed])=False) AND (([Pump Stations].[Insufficiant Data])=False));
There is nothing wrong with that. it's just that i'm getting lots of zeroes (0) value for Expr1. What i'd like to do is filter this Expr1 so that i don't get to see the zeros (0) in the result. I tried to put in "<> 0" in the criteria, it kept asking for BladderSize. I have also tried "<> '0'". This didn't work either.
Thank you in advance
I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with query issue.
Here is my query.
Format(60000+700*(([WindTime]-[NewTimeToSpill])*[GHD PDWF]),"$0"),"0") AS BladderSize, 30+(DLookUp("[WindTime]","[Locations]","Location='" & [Location] & "'")) AS WindTime, [Pump Stations].Location, [BladderSize]-[Budget for Store] AS Expr1
FROM [Pump Stations]
WHERE ((([Pump Stations].[Not Assesed])=False) AND (([Pump Stations].[Insufficiant Data])=False));
There is nothing wrong with that. it's just that i'm getting lots of zeroes (0) value for Expr1. What i'd like to do is filter this Expr1 so that i don't get to see the zeros (0) in the result. I tried to put in "<> 0" in the criteria, it kept asking for BladderSize. I have also tried "<> '0'". This didn't work either.
Thank you in advance