I have a page that has three frames, labeled Top, Left, and Bottom. The layout is shown below...<br> ______________<br>¦ ¦ Top ¦<br>¦ ¦________¦<br>¦Left ¦ ¦<br>¦ ¦ Bottom ¦<br>¦_____¦________¦<br><br>When a button is clicked in the "left" frame, it pops up a window and asks for a password. If the password is correct, done in Javascript, it should open up a page in the "Bottom" frame. The current code I have to open it is 'parent.opener.location.href = target'<br><br>Where target is a variable holding the name of the page. This command opens up the page in the "Left" frame, where it was originally called from. What syntax do I use to refer to the "Bottom" Frame when a popup box is opened from the "Left" Frame. Thanks in advance for your help.<br><br>Doug