I have this code and every time that i make a fetch it returns me false, I already tried the Sql and it runs perfect. I check for connection error that it is clean.
I am overriding the Start method of the content.
Table browser is a class defined like that
Class TableBrowser Subclass Of AcDataRow
Dim Text As String
Dim TextType As String
Sub BuildBinding( )
End Sub
End Class
------------------Start Method for the Content--------
Sub Start( )
Super::Start( )
Dim conn as AcOracleConnection 'AcDBConnection
Dim stmt as AcDBStatement
Dim cursor as AcDBCursor
Dim Row as Tablebrowser
Set conn = new OracleConnection
Dim s as string
s="select * from common.byu_report_q"
if conn.isConnected() then
Set stmt = conn.prepare(s)
end if
Set cursor = stmt.allocateCursor()
Dim i as Integer
Do while true
Set Row = new Persistent NewReportApp::TableBrowser
if not cursor.fetch(row) then
exit do
End if
End Sub
I am overriding the Start method of the content.
Table browser is a class defined like that
Class TableBrowser Subclass Of AcDataRow
Dim Text As String
Dim TextType As String
Sub BuildBinding( )
End Sub
End Class
------------------Start Method for the Content--------
Sub Start( )
Super::Start( )
Dim conn as AcOracleConnection 'AcDBConnection
Dim stmt as AcDBStatement
Dim cursor as AcDBCursor
Dim Row as Tablebrowser
Set conn = new OracleConnection
Dim s as string
s="select * from common.byu_report_q"
if conn.isConnected() then
Set stmt = conn.prepare(s)
end if
Set cursor = stmt.allocateCursor()
Dim i as Integer
Do while true
Set Row = new Persistent NewReportApp::TableBrowser
if not cursor.fetch(row) then
exit do
End if
End Sub