Hi all. I support a VB application that attaches to up to 10 Attachmate sessions and controls associated mainframe sessions.
Up until yesterday, I was running Extra 7.11. But yesterday I upgraded 2 of my 3 machines to Extra 8.0.
Suddenly, for some reason, I can't connect to Attachmate any more using my VB scripts.
I've done this upgrade on other machines with no problems, so I don't understand why.
It is blowing up when attempting to open a session:
Set moAttachmate = sys.Sessions.Open(sTemp)
Where sTemp is the Session file, 'SmartProcessor_1.edp' which is located in the c:\Program Files\E!PC\Sessions folder.
Any clues as to why it can'tsee that session file? It's in the same path it's always been in.
Bryan in Denver...
Up until yesterday, I was running Extra 7.11. But yesterday I upgraded 2 of my 3 machines to Extra 8.0.
Suddenly, for some reason, I can't connect to Attachmate any more using my VB scripts.
I've done this upgrade on other machines with no problems, so I don't understand why.
It is blowing up when attempting to open a session:
Set moAttachmate = sys.Sessions.Open(sTemp)
Where sTemp is the Session file, 'SmartProcessor_1.edp' which is located in the c:\Program Files\E!PC\Sessions folder.
Any clues as to why it can'tsee that session file? It's in the same path it's always been in.
Bryan in Denver...