Hi all,
I am using the following to insert data into a mysql database
query2 = "Insert into sitehits (id, month, year, d" & daynum & "
values (" & test & ", " & month(date) & ", " & year(date) & ", " & sitehits & "
Insert into sitehits (id, month, year, d22) values (0000007, 9, 2002, 1)
and it runs fine no errors, however when you go to the database, their is a new record., but the information is not their just a load of 0's
the fields are set as follows
id = int(11)
month = int(11)
year = int(11)
d22 = int(11)
and all i get is
0 0 0 0
so i keep getting new records ith nothing in them, can anyone help
I am using the following to insert data into a mysql database
query2 = "Insert into sitehits (id, month, year, d" & daynum & "
Insert into sitehits (id, month, year, d22) values (0000007, 9, 2002, 1)
and it runs fine no errors, however when you go to the database, their is a new record., but the information is not their just a load of 0's
the fields are set as follows
id = int(11)
month = int(11)
year = int(11)
d22 = int(11)
and all i get is
0 0 0 0
so i keep getting new records ith nothing in them, can anyone help