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Help with Module

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Technical User
Jul 26, 2001
I want to email via Lotus Notes R5 so I got this module but it doesn't work
rarely do work with module and I don't know how it's going to work on my form...Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Public Function SendLotusNotes(ByRef Recipients() As Variant, Subject As String, BodyText As String, Optional Attachment As String = "", Optional SaveIt As Boolean = False) '
On Error GoTo errHandler
'Dim Recipients() As Variant, Subject As String, BodyText As String, Attachment As String, SaveIt As Boolean
'Set up the objects required for Automation into lotus notes
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database
Dim UserName As String 'The current users notes name
Dim MailDbName As String 'THe current users notes mail database name
Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself
Dim AttachME As Object 'The attachment richtextfile object
Dim Session As Object 'The notes session
Dim EmbedObj As Object 'The embedded object (Attachment)

'ReDim Recipients(0) As Variant in the calling function
' Uncomment to test *************************
'recipients(0) = "Someone@home.com"
'Recipients(1) = "SomeoneElse@home.com"

'Subject = "Access 2000 Multiple LN Test"
'BodyText = "This is a test of a multiple recipient LN from Access 1997"
'SaveIt = False

TryAgain: 'if an error occures and the retry button is used try again
'Start a session to notes
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
'Get the sessions username and then calculate the mail file name
'You may or may not need this as for MailDBname with some systems you
'can pass an empty string
UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
'Open the mail database in notes
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)
If Maildb.ISOPEN = True Then
'Already open for mail
End If
'Set up the new mail document
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.sendto = Recipients
MailDoc.Subject = Subject
MailDoc.Body = BodyText
'Set up the embedded object and attachment and attach it
If Attachment <> &quot;&quot; Then
Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM(&quot;Attachment&quot;)
Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, &quot;&quot;, Attachment, &quot;Attachment&quot;)
MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM (&quot;Attachment&quot;)
End If
'Send the document
MailDoc.PostedDate = Now() 'Gets the mail to appear in the sent items FOLDER
MailDoc.SEND 0, Recipient
'Clean Up
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj = Nothing
Exit Function

Select Case Err.Number
Case 429
If MsgBox(&quot;Lotus Notes wasn't open. No E-Notifications can be sent.&quot;, vbCritical + vbRetryCancel + vbApplicationModal, &quot;Sending Mail Error...&quot;) = vbRetry Then
GoTo TryAgain
'your else statement here
End If
End Select
End Function
Have you tried looking up


in access help, you may find the answer you are loking for.
Yes I tried using SendObject from Access but since I am using Lotus Notes I don't think it will recognize it...I think SendObject his driven for Outlook if I am wrong please let me know...thanks
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