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Help with loop..

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Technical User
May 9, 2007
I have a bit of trouble understanding a part of this loop, so if anyone would be so kind to translate it, it would be much appreciated.

Dim AssayRowIns
    AssayRowIns = 4
    Do Until Range("A" & AssayRowIns) = ""
        Rows("" & AssayRowIns & ":" & AssayRowIns + 6 & "").Insert Shift:=xlDown
        AssayRowIns = AssayRowIns + 8

What does this do in the loop?
Rows("" & AssayRowIns & ":" & AssayRowIns + 6 & "").Insert Shift:=xlDown
It confused me a little also...

'Start on the 4 row from the top
AssayRowIns = 4

'to this as long as somthing is in the A Column
Do Until Range("A" & AssayRowIns) = ""

'Insert 6 rows starting at row 4
Rows("" & AssayRowIns & ":" & AssayRowIns + 6 & "").Insert Shift:=xlDown

'add 8 rows to the current posision starting at 4
'this essentially skips 1 row after the 6 inserted.
AssayRowIns = AssayRowIns + 8


Hope this helps


'the double quotes are not neccessary.
Rows("" & AssayRowIns & ":" & AssayRowIns + 6 & "").Insert Shift:=xlDown

'this should work fine
Rows(AssayRowIns & ":" & AssayRowIns + 6).Insert Shift:=xlDown

'on the first line, 4 it would translate to
Rows(4 & ":" & 4 + 6).Insert Shift:=xlDown


Thanks Mike. I'm trying to edit another persons VBA project, but I have a hard time figuring out where he loads his data from into some specific cells. This means that this loop only inserts empty rows, doesn't populate them with data. *sighs*

I'm trying to edit another persons VBA program, but I have a hard time figuring out where he loads some specific data. One spreadsheet draws raw data from an oracle database and from that sheet he generates new reportsheets using VBA.
Why not debug step by step the VBA project ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
PHV: I'm kinda new to programming so you would have to explain to me how that is done ;-)
I have a huge nested loop in which I am trying to find out where it gets the legend data from. Instead of the current legend data I would like it to use Range("B" & datarow), thus B3 the first loop and B11 the second and so forth.

here is the loop:

    datarow = 3
    Do Until Range("A" & datarow) = ""
        'Summary data header formatting
        Range("B" & datarow - 1) = "Readout"
        Range("C" & datarow - 1) = "Range"
        Range("D" & datarow - 1) = "IC50[µM]"
        Range("D" & datarow).NumberFormat = "0.000"
        Range("E" & datarow - 1) = "Max"
        Range("E" & datarow).NumberFormat = "0"
        Range("F" & datarow - 1) = "Min"
        Range("F" & datarow).NumberFormat = "0"
        Range("G" & datarow - 1) = "Curve"
        Range("H" & datarow - 1) = "Cells"
        Range("I" & datarow - 1) = "Stimulus"
        Range("J" & datarow - 1) = "Time"
        Range("K" & datarow - 1) = "LAD: "
        Range("L" & datarow - 1) = "Comment: "
        Range("B" & datarow - 1 & ":L" & datarow - 1).Font.Bold = True
        Columns("B:L").ColumnWidth = 10
        'Curve types X,Z and H
        If Range("F" & datarow) = "Z" Then
            Range("C" & datarow & ":E" & datarow & ",G" & datarow) = ""
        ElseIf Range("F" & datarow) = "X" Then
            Range("C" & datarow & ":E" & datarow & ",G" & datarow) = ""
        ElseIf Range("F" & datarow) = "H" Then
            Range("C" & datarow & ":E" & datarow & ",G" & datarow) = ""
        End If
        'Concentrations in µM
        Range("M" & datarow & ":U" & datarow).Cut
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("B" & datarow + 1)
        Range("A" & datarow + 1) = "Conc.(µM)"
        'Concentrations in log M
        Range("A" & datarow + 2) = "log(conc)[M]"
        Range("B" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(B" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        'Debug.Print Range("B" & DataRow + 2)
        Range("C" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(C" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("D" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(D" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("E" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(E" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("F" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(F" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("G" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(G" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("H" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(H" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("I" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(I" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("J" & datarow + 2).Formula = "=Log(J" & datarow + 1 & "*10^-6)"
        Range("B" & datarow + 2 & ":J" & datarow + 2).Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
        Range("B" & datarow + 2 & ":J" & datarow + 2).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        Range("A" & datarow + 2 & ":J" & datarow + 2).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
        Range("V" & datarow & ":AD" & datarow).Cut
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("B" & datarow + 3)
        Range("A" & datarow + 3) = "PCTACT"
        Range("B" & datarow + 3 & ":J" & datarow + 3).NumberFormat = "0"
        'Standard deviation
        Range("AE" & datarow & ":AM" & datarow).Cut
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("B" & datarow + 4)
        Range("A" & datarow + 4) = "SD"
        Range("B" & datarow + 4 & ":J" & datarow + 4).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        Range("AN" & datarow & ":AV" & datarow).Cut
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("B" & datarow + 5)
        Range("A" & datarow + 5) = "n tests"
        'Removing data if n<2
        Dim n As Integer
        n = 2
        Do Until n = 11
            If Cells(datarow + 5, n) < 2 Then
                Cells(datarow + 4, n) = ""
            End If
            If Cells(datarow + 5, n) = 0 Then
                Cells(datarow + 3, n) = ""
            End If
            n = n + 1
        'Excluded status
        Range("AW" & datarow & ":BE" & datarow).Cut
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("P" & datarow)
        Range("O" & datarow) = "Excluded"
        'Range("O" & DataRow & ":X" & DataRow).Font.ColorIndex = 2
        'AssayId with conditions generation
        Range("O" & datarow - 1) = Range("A" & datarow) & ", " & Range("B" & datarow) & ", " & _
        Range("H" & datarow) & ", " & Range("I" & datarow) & ", " & Range("J" & datarow)
        'Inserts "InChart" if it should be included
        SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
        If Not Worksheets(SheetName).Range("B" & datarow + 3) = "" Then
            Worksheets(SheetName).Range("O" & datarow + 1) = "InChart"
        End If
        'Data for fit curve
        If Not Range("C" & datarow) = "" Then 'is empty if curvetype = X,Z or H
            'Generation of 40 X values for curve fit
            Dim ValueIncrem, LogHighConc, LogLowConc
            LogHighConc = Range("J" & datarow + 2) + 0.5
            LogLowConc = Range("B" & datarow + 2) - 0.5
            ValueIncrem = (LogHighConc - LogLowConc) / 40
            n = 1
            Cells(datarow + 2, n + 24) = "fitX"
            Do Until n = 41
                Cells(datarow + 2, n + 25) = LogLowConc + n * ValueIncrem
                n = n + 1
            'Generation of 40 Y values for curve fit
            Dim fitMin_A, fitMax_B, fitEC50_C, fitHill_D
            fitMin_A = Range("E" & datarow)
            fitMax_B = Range("D" & datarow)
            fitEC50_C = Range("C" & datarow)
            fitHill_D = Range("G" & datarow)
            n = 1
            Cells(datarow + 3, n + 24) = Cells(datarow, 1) & "-fitY"
            Dim FormulaY
            Do Until n = 41
                FormulaY = fitMin_A + ((fitMax_B - fitMin_A) / (1 + ((fitEC50_C / (10 ^ 6 * 10 ^ Cells(datarow + 2, n + 25))) ^ fitHill_D)))
                '205: y =         A + ((       B -        A) / (1 + ((        C /          x                                 )^         D)))
                Cells(datarow + 3, n + 25) = FormulaY
                n = n + 1
        End If
        Range("B" & datarow - 1 & ":J" & datarow + 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
       'Assay name for chart legend
       'Cells(datarow - 1, 66) = Right((Cells(datarow, 1)), Len(Cells(datarow, 1)) - 5)
       Cells(datarow, 1) = VBA.Right((Cells(datarow, 1)), Len(Cells(datarow, 1)) - 5)
       datarow = datarow + 8
Can anyone explain to me what this does in the loop?

Cells(datarow, 1) = VBA.Right((Cells(datarow, 1)), Len(Cells(datarow, 1)) - 5)

Any help is much appreciated.
The Right function syntax is
Right(String As String, Len As Long)

This function returns the right-most Len characters from a String. It comes in two varieties: Right (returns a Variant) and Right$ (returns a String). I always use the string version, which is somewhat faster. The VBA qualifier is probably not strictly needed here. Some functions have a VBA and an Excel equivalent with the same name. The VBA qualifier would prevent ambiguity.

In your code, this is eliminating the first 5 characters in the value of Cells(datarow, 1)

Hope this helps.
A simpler way:
Cells(datarow, 1) = Mid$(Cells(datarow, 1), 6)

Hope This Helps, PH.
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