I'm having a problem extracting ItemData values from a listbox into an array
for example:
say i have an existing listbox list1 with 20 entries.
i create an array as follows
redim array(list1.listcount) as variant
now list1.listcount should = 20,
the following code gives me error ( invalid index type):
for i = 0 to ubound(array)
array(i) = list1.itemdata(i)
next i
for the life of me I don't know what the problem is and I'v e spent at least 3 hrs trying to figure it out. I've checked to see that the listbox entries have itemdata values and they all do. your help is greatly appreciated
I'm having a problem extracting ItemData values from a listbox into an array
for example:
say i have an existing listbox list1 with 20 entries.
i create an array as follows
redim array(list1.listcount) as variant
now list1.listcount should = 20,
the following code gives me error ( invalid index type):
for i = 0 to ubound(array)
array(i) = list1.itemdata(i)
next i
for the life of me I don't know what the problem is and I'v e spent at least 3 hrs trying to figure it out. I've checked to see that the listbox entries have itemdata values and they all do. your help is greatly appreciated