I have a 2 list Box, Which i can populate without any problems and move data between them.
I am having problems with the following code, where i am trying to display the results of the Applications installed on a specific Computer on the lstSoftwareLoaded listbox and those Applications that are not installed on the computer to show on the lstAppAvailable.
For Example
lstAppAvailable lstSoftwareLoaded
MS OFFICE 2003 > Windows Vista
Windows XP < OutLook Express
So the above lists would be displayed when a computer is selected from a drop down list showing all the Software available for insatlling and all the software that is installed on that specific machine.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have a 2 list Box, Which i can populate without any problems and move data between them.
I am having problems with the following code, where i am trying to display the results of the Applications installed on a specific Computer on the lstSoftwareLoaded listbox and those Applications that are not installed on the computer to show on the lstAppAvailable.
For Example
lstAppAvailable lstSoftwareLoaded
MS OFFICE 2003 > Windows Vista
Windows XP < OutLook Express
So the above lists would be displayed when a computer is selected from a drop down list showing all the Software available for insatlling and all the software that is installed on that specific machine.
Public Sub DisplayAllComputerDetails(ByRef rsDisplayComputerDetails As DAO.Recordset, ByRef frmAddComputer As Form, ByRef lstSotwareLoaded As ListBox, ByRef lstSoftwareAvailable As ListBox)
With rsDisplayComputerDetails
frmAddComputer.cmbMake = .Fields("Computer_ID_Make")
frmAddComputer.txtModel = .Fields("Computer_ID_Model")
frmAddComputer.txtSerialNumber = .Fields("Computer_ID_Serial_Number")
frmAddComputer.txtWarrantyExpiry = .Fields("Computer_ID_Warranty_Expiry")
lstSotwareLoaded.AddItem .Fields("Application")
Dim i As Integer
Dim RemoveQueue() As Boolean
ReDim RemoveQueue(0 To lstSotwareLoaded.ListCount - 1)
For i = lstSotwareLoaded.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If lstSotwareLoaded.ListIndex Then
'Me.lstAppAvailable.AddItem lstAppsInstalled.ItemData(i)
RemoveQueue(i) = True
End If
Next i
For i = UBound(RemoveQueue) To 0 Step -1
If RemoveQueue(i) Then
lstSoftwareAvailable.RemoveItem i
End If
Next i
Loop Until .EOF
End With
Any help would be much appreciated.