In Javascript Top.bottomFrame.histroy.go(-1) for previous link in history and top.bottomFrame.histroy.go(1)
for next link in history.
My question is if there is no Previous Link in history then what history.go(1) will do?
Have you tested it to see, you obviously have the code there that works correct?
I think you have a typo. You are asking if there is no Previous Link in history then what history.go(1) will do?
The history.go(1) moves forward 1 location, and the history.go(-1) moves backward 1 location. If you were to do history.go(2) you would move to the 2nd location.
If you came from a page that did not have these links on your page, then the first you come to if you click on the previous, then it should take you back to the location where the links were not there.
Have you posted a thread in the javascript forum. I'm sure that you can better help there. Did this answer your question? Thanks _______________________________
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