im getting an incompatable types error in my code below.
its supposed to sort CoinNoob objects in order of lowest value to highest. Each CoinNoob has a val, the value, and it is public. any help??
its supposed to sort CoinNoob objects in order of lowest value to highest. Each CoinNoob has a val, the value, and it is public. any help??
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CoinSorter
public CoinSorter(ArrayList<CoinNoob> anArrayList)
for(CoinNoob s: anArrayList)
public void sort()
for(int i = 0; i < a.size()-1; i++)
int minPos = minimumPosition(i);
swap(minPos, i);
public int minimumPosition(int from)
int minPos = from;
for(int i = from + 1; i < a.size(); i++)
CoinNoob b;
//right here...............
b = a.get(i);
if(b.val < b.val)
minPos = i;
return minPos;
private void swap(int i, int j)
a.set(j,a.set(i, a.get(j)));
private ArrayList a = new ArrayList<CoinNoob>();