hey, i have a dektop that had my friends 80 gb hard drive in it as the master.... it was sold on ebay and my friend took it back (no big deal) but i had a 10 gig and a 60 in the pc too and now i cant get either to formatt! i dont understand why not i tried in dos and got errosand i tried to put it in another computer and it did not read it ... it did not even boot from the other hard drive
please help! i really need a cpmuter this thing im on is so slow ias long as ive been typing this NONE of the letters have shown up on the screen yet!PLEASE any advice will be4 appreciated!after a minute and a half of waiting my text finally appears
please help! i really need a cpmuter this thing im on is so slow ias long as ive been typing this NONE of the letters have shown up on the screen yet!PLEASE any advice will be4 appreciated!after a minute and a half of waiting my text finally appears